Lauren profile picture


I am here for Friends

My Interests


Family guy, definately. And Friends. But I missed like, the complete last season. and.... I hate TBN. I like CSI. umm.... I am usually too busy slacking to watch TV.


Jesus, of course. Superhero wise, it'd have to be Superman, cuz whats-his-face on Smallville is freaking hott, and, um, person wise would have to be Jodi, my old youth pastor's wife. She's awesome.

My Blog

on the road again...

Well, I am back home, after being home for a whopping 2 days. I came back so I could work, b/c we were supposed to be busy, and they needed the help, and I desperately needed the mula. I made a total ...
Posted by Lauren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Diving into deep waters....

Well, I had my first away meet today, it went well, all things considered. I have learned to not even watch the other divers (to the point where I told one of the girls she did a good job, and she tol...
Posted by Lauren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sayin hi

This thing is still really wierd. I am so busy, and such a slacker, all at the same time. I am thinking I am going to drop my English honors class. I hate it. It makes me not want to teach English any...
Posted by Lauren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST