Let's see what I am interested in:Nothing.
ok fine thats not true.
I am big into old houses...new houses... crap any houses even ugly ones cause they all have something to love.
I like to read and do crafty stuff when i have the time and i am incredibly creative and if i actually follow through on my ideas things are awesome-- ok sometimes not so much but really many things in life are trial and error (Like my first marriage)
Courtney Love (to ask about Kurt)
Paris Hilton (because whatever you all think she would be the best to party with)
Julian McMahon (um cause he's hot- duh)
Margaret Atwood (because she is an amazing writer and my favorite even though she didn't write any of my favorite books but has written some of my favorite poems)
Someone to train my dog to always do what I say cause i just don't have the patience. (i think thats obvious why)
Dreamer FaerieYou are the Dreamer Faerie. You are extremely thoughtful, and sometimes outgoing. Most of the time, however, you prefer working alone rather than with others. You are also creative and have an overall friendly personality.Wings: Gray and redPower: Dreams/wishesSexual appeal: Some people think you act a little childish, but incidentally many guys find this very attractive (as long as you don't overdo it, of course).What you look for in a guy: To you, the ideal man would be tall, red-haired and blue- or green-eyed. You need someone fun to hang out with but at the same time a partner that you can engage in intelligent conversations.
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TV this year seems to be full of incredibly copius amounts of hot man eye candy. YUM. Julian McMahon as Christian Troy on NIP/TUCK; Zachary Levi as Chuck on Chuck and Lee Pace as Ned "the pie maker" on Pushing Daisies; and of course, I cannot forget the Fine Fine Crew of the Unit i.e Max Martini and Scott Foley, almost makes you wanna marry an Army man.
NIP/TUCK (in Hollywood)
BTW Julian McMahon especially as Christian Troy is the only man alive who can pull off the white bug eyed shades since Kurt Cobain first wore em without looking gay!
This list could be incredibly long if i listed everything i like so here are my 3 favorite books in order:
1. 1984
2. Brave New World
3. Lord of the Flies
Funny that I was introduced to all of these because of going to high school.
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