What kind of dragon are you?(With great pics)
Red Dragon-You are physically the strongest out there. Quick and fast you are a great fighter. You are very agressive and very territorial. Every one wants you to be on their side. A steadfast friend forever, it would take a something truely unforgiveable to not be friends. You like play fighting with those insipid worriors and knights. You never do anything out of cruelity but mostly out of bordom. You probaly have a group of friends that you fight with and show of to. You like being in the center of the spotlight. Bad part-Not always the smartest dragon on the block, very aggressive, intemidating, very territorial.Good part-Your famous (the majority of the dragon stories in europe were about you), You have three powers breath fire,control of near by volcanos, and strenght unsurpassed by any other animal,loyality,and a strong sense of morals and honor.Wow... your impressive, but you knew all of this already didn't you. Pick you fight carefully though.You tend to stick with you own kind, But you would get along great with a Blue Dragon, its pranks and jokes will keep you on you toes and have you laughing at the most tenious moment.
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i like any movie that is good but the one i like probely the most of all is the fast and the furious,2 fast 2 furious, and you got served i also like hitch and the longest yard also i like all the bring it on movies and all of the blade moves and as you can tell i deffently have to put tokyo drifts also Bad Boys one and two like action movies horror romance really anything
really dont like books dont like to read
my dad because he is a kool guy that is strong willed and is kind to all