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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

Music, reading, traveling - especially overseas. Computers. Photography, digital and film.. Meeting new people and having fun.

I'd like to meet:


Some of this that and the other thing. Some of my favorites in no apparent order... Hawk Nelson, Relient K, Switchfoot, Caedmon's Call, Mercy Me, Clear, Anberlin, Audio A, Third Day, The Insyderz, Bethany Dillion, Jennifer Knapp, Sarah McLachlan, Simon and Garfunkle, TFK, The O'Neill Brothers, Watashi Wa, Zap Mama, the fold, Skillet, Kutless, Sanctus Real, Rockapella, Pillar, Mad Martigan, Mae, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, John Willaims, Gaelic Storm, FIF, Copeland, Building 429, Bleach and a zillion other artists that aren't coming to mind straight away...


What I Like About You, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, ER, Joan of Arcadia, Everwood, Seventh Heaven, Judging Amy, whatever is on in the background that looks interesting...


Most anything. Especially a romance (but the too cheesie), books with WWII themes. Last book I finished was The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri (her other book, Interpreter of Maladies is also a wonderful read.) I'm currently reading, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I also love to read childrens books and young adult novels.

My Blog

January kinda Sucked

    :Sigh: Feeling the need for a bit of a blurb. Times like these are when it really sucks to have your best friends living a zillion miles away. I love teaching. I pretty much hate de...
Posted by Lexie on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 07:41:00 PST

JD's Big Night

I had the MOST AMAZING night last night. Yesterday started slow and boring with a seminar on behavior management that was more of a commercial for programs than actual teaching of methods we could use...
Posted by Lexie on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 07:49:00 PST


So it's 9:40pm on 12/27 I am leaving home at 6am on 12/29 which means I have about 24 hours to pack for my month in Mexico. I'm not stressed. Should be plenty of time... I hope. I turned down kids for...
Posted by Lexie on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 07:46:00 PST


Today went from waking up early but still anticipating the day ahead to a really crappy day almost faster than I can keep track of. When I went to pick up the kids at 8:15 this morning I got reamed ou...
Posted by Lexie on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:02:00 PST

stress is an uncool word

Lately life just seems to be taking me by storm... or even taking me over... This semester seems to be jam packed with stress from school. Earlier tonight I did something I'm incredibly unproud of. I ...
Posted by Lexie on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:47:00 PST


Lots of bands. lots of great music. I really should be packing since I need to load the car and everything this morning cuz im leaving right from lifest to go up north for the week. thursday evening w...
Posted by Lexie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cali Pix ~ lj

Finally got my cali pix up for ppl to see. Check them out here. If your interested in my monotonous ramblings of day to day krem... you can read my livejournal here....
Posted by Lexie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST