Music, reading, traveling - especially overseas. Computers. Photography, digital and film.. Meeting new people and having fun.
Some of this that and the other thing. Some of my favorites in no apparent order... Hawk Nelson, Relient K, Switchfoot, Caedmon's Call, Mercy Me, Clear, Anberlin, Audio A, Third Day, The Insyderz, Bethany Dillion, Jennifer Knapp, Sarah McLachlan, Simon and Garfunkle, TFK, The O'Neill Brothers, Watashi Wa, Zap Mama, the fold, Skillet, Kutless, Sanctus Real, Rockapella, Pillar, Mad Martigan, Mae, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, John Willaims, Gaelic Storm, FIF, Copeland, Building 429, Bleach and a zillion other artists that aren't coming to mind straight away...
What I Like About You, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, ER, Joan of Arcadia, Everwood, Seventh Heaven, Judging Amy, whatever is on in the background that looks interesting...
Most anything. Especially a romance (but the too cheesie), books with WWII themes. Last book I finished was The Namesake by Jumpa Lahiri (her other book, Interpreter of Maladies is also a wonderful read.) I'm currently reading, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I also love to read childrens books and young adult novels.