jodi profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

HHmmm... i like watChinG televiSion.. I mean Alot!!.. i like uSing the Pc... surfinG tHe net..... hanginG out.. with My frenDS.. CuzinS..FAmilY!!! i doNt Like DirTy thIngs,,,,, i likE watChing Comedy.... in SkuL?? i thInk i'm Gud EnouGH......... im truStworThy... i wonT say A thiNg........ I can keeP it As long as u Want... HArhar........ i like JessiCA alBA... nd SpongeBob!!!! ANd i like 2 eat nd Sleep!!! hahaha.... that's all!!!!!!

My Interests

hhmm,,,,,,,,,, i likE to Play BAdmintoN!!! listeN 2 Some mUsic........ winDow ShoppinG oR mAybe ShoppiNg.....if I had Lots Of monEY!!!(chaChiNg!!!!) harharhar!!!...... i likE reaDing comIcs.... Funny One's........Using the comPuter... talking To someonE!!!Thats All!!!

I'd like to meet:

i lYk to meet Clean people..... GuD luking.....(that means Hot GUys!!!)... joke... or maybe cutE!!!! and i like to meet PeopLe within MY same Age!! Frendly nd Lyk me.......... no!! im 1 nd Only!!! maybe sumthiNg we hAv in Common!!!


OL that FUnky S***!!!!! hehehe....... i like to lisTen to sentimEntal Music..... nD sumTymS.... A beYonce kiNd oF song.... or maYbe Love Songs........ Pero AYaw kO ng Corny noh..........harhar!!!!Cool MUSic!!!!!


I likE watChinG FunnY mUvies......... CArtOOn MUvies.... AdvEntuRous mUvies...... Ol kinD of MuVies. .......... JUst nOt "horrOr Muvies"..... iT'll HAunt mY Dreams ForevEr!!!!!!!!!! (wer hav i heard that??!!!) JUst english muvies... or maybe tagalog but Not joLOgs............ Db???? harhar!!!


i lIke WatchinG ShoWS AT disNEy channEL... Nick... CArtun nEtwoRK.... ABs-CBn... ND gMA....Axn ND ANimax.... iN muvies.... Sumtyms In Disney Rin....Hbo..... Star mUVies... Cinema one....In mUSic.... MYX nd Mtv....THE loUNGe!!!!!!!!


Well......... I lyk REading Comic BookS.... like w.I.t.c.H. nd K-zONE.... ND pOCKETBuKS OF MaRY-kaTE ND asHLeY......miNSAN PugAD baBOY.... HarHAR!!!


weN i WAS A cHILD I THOUgHT sANTa CLAUS WAS a HEROE!!!! HARHAR... bUT 4 NOw GOD will Always BE my HEroe......!!!