Marcus aka. Gixxer Ryda profile picture

Marcus aka. Gixxer Ryda

FEAR... Is An Option ~ But I Don't Live My Life In It... I Just Ride, And Laugh In The Face Of It!

About Me

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My name is Marcus Foley and I was born and raised in Little Rock, AR. I graduated from J.A. Fair High School where I played football during my senior year in 1998. I am now happily married to my best friend of seven years and married for three. I'm a very serious outgoing person who likes to keep it real and I don't take any crap. I was raised by my mom for 14 years until the Lord called her home to be with him on October 16,1994. Since then, I have made it my goal in life not to let her down. I thank God for my wife who I love very much also my grandmother who practically raised me along with my dad after my mother passed. I took care of myself since I was 15 by working and going to school. It was hard to manage in the real world, with my dad being on the road driving trucks, on top of my grandmother working long hard hours to make ends meet. Made life a little tough for me because I had to learn how to make it in life on my own. But eventhough I was too young to understand as a child why my dad wasn't around much. I've grown to understand that my dad was working hard fighting the dangerous highways everyday trying to make a living and provide for me and my siblings, and for that I can't help but to have nothing but love and respect for him. But yet, I still managed to finish junior high and graduate out of high school. I now have a high paying job, and I'm still striving to be the best I can be and move up high in life. And I will..... Continue to move even higher.

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My Interests

I enjoy bowling, roller coasters, amusement parks, going to the movies, going skating, spending time with my wife and family, Big Foot (The Monster Truck), going to drag races, driving and racing my T-Maxx (a r/c monster truck that runs off of nitrous), going to church, traveling, shooting pool, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the New York Yankees, martial arts, playing football, riding motorcycles(sport bikes), lifting weights, and just mainly kickin it and having fun.My favorite holiday is Independence Day, because I love my country and I love to show it by shooting off fireworks... And I don't mean bottle rockets.

I'd like to meet:

Randy Orton and kick his A$$ like that, at a wrestling match and then get a contract in the WWE... LOL!

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Stewie kicks Brian's Ass!!
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My favorite...
Sport is Football
Food is Don't Have One
Hobbies are Racing R/C Trucks and Riding Motorcycles(Sportbikes Only)
Soda Coke or Pepsi is Coke and Powerade
Scarey Movie is Final Destination 1, 2, and 3
Person To Me is My Wife
Thrill Experiences are Bungie Jumping and Drag Racing a Sportbike
The place where you have sex is My Damn Buiseness
Fast Food Burger King or Mcdonalds is Burger King
Type of Weather is Bad Thunder Storms (That's Good Sleep)

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Any kind of music except for sad a$$ country songs!But my favorite recording artists are Ice Cube and Dottie Peoples.

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You scored as Mysterious. You wish to hide who you are from all those around you. You find it very hard to trust people. You also may enjoy the fun that comes from playing mind games with others around you.My advice Get out there and reveal the true you if only to one person!



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You are Judgement

Happiness, Content, Joy.

Judgment is related to the Hebrew letter Shin, which is fiery and spiritual. A break from the past, going forward.

With Fire as its ruling element, Judgement is about rebirth or ressurection. The idea of Judgement day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven. The Judgement card is similar, it asks the resurrection to summon the past, forgive it, and let it go. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgement advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. This is also a card of healing, quite literally from an accident or illness, as well as a card signaling great transformation, renewal, change.

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The Fast and the Furious I, II, and III, xXx State of the Union, Biker Boys, Action, Animation, Comedy, Suspense, maybe even a little Drama...maybe, and Horror...Hey, you name it!

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King of the Hill, Wrestling, Good Times, What's Happening (The episodes with Mama in there), South Park, Any cartoons on Cartoon Network, Boondocks, Dragonball Z, Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, Family Guy, The Honeymooners(The Original Episodes), Married with Children, Fresh Prince, Cosby Show (Not just Cosby, but Cosby Show), Airwolf, Knight Rider, Beavis and Butthead...


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Jesus , My Mom(R.I.P), Bruce Lee(R.I.P), and Bill Goldberg Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
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