All music is good for me!!!! Jazz, Latin Jazz, Merengue, Salsa, Punta, Regue, Cumbia, Zunga-Zunga(polka), Rock(alternative, contemporary,Rock'n'roll & soft), Swing, Blues, Flamenco,etc... I play the keyboards, a bit of guitar, bass guitar, violin and learning the drums...
Well all the movies that have enought action to have my eyes without blinking are accepted! Like comedy to have a good laugh, romantic movies are better with some action on it!!!!(some blood wouldn't hurt anyone!) War movies are a must... Suspense are acceptable and horror... well I quit already!
Holy Bible is the main one! However I enjoy reading different books such as: The Count of MonteCristo, Rain of Gold, The Holocaust, The Alchemist, Doors of Heaven, The Bible and the Bermuda triangle, Babilonia Misterio Religioso, Cerdos en la Sala, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, The Phanthom of the Opera, El Amor Paternal de Dios, and many more books that I don't remember right now!
JesusChrist for the heoric dive into the underworld and die for me twice, so I can enjoy of his salvation! My beloved mother who fought against any circumstance and gave us the best childhood I can imagine!