I'm a 17/f/TX and I'm engaged to the greatest guy in the world. I wouldn't trade him for anything! We have our ups and downs just like everyone else but in the end he never judges me. He spoils me rotten and gets me anything I ask for. I had to learn the hard way that its not the outside that matters its the inside because this man has a heart made of gold♥. We have been together for almost 3 years and I know he doesn't know how much I really love him and need him in my life. He has taught me so much and every time I leave somethin keeps pullin me back because in my heart I know that hes the one and I need him in my life. We have so much fun together and I live looking forward to another fun day with him by my side. He knows me so much better than I do and I love the way he makes me laugh when I'm mad! True love is hard to find but when you find it.... You'll know and hang on to it because when its gone, you may never find it again. I love to have fun and hang out with my buddies. I love the outdoors because I'm a country girl. I like fishing (I have my baby to thank for that), skating, expierence new things, and alot more. I also love my snake, Molly, she is a python. She usually goes everywhere with me but most people freak. I've had her for about 2 or 3 months and she was a gift from my baby!!! She is everything and I know is sounds crazy but yes I am very much attached to her. If you'd like to chat, see more pix, or know more about me then e-mail me or send me an IM on yahoo at [email protected] and just ask!
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