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Mystic Observer

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Are You a Mystic Observer?

One for the seeking mind.
One for the peaceful
no-mind of the mystic.
Why debate? It is as if
one speaks one language
and the other does not
understand it, or one
tries to validate their
model by attempting
to invalidate another's.
Transparent ego games.
Meditation, a simple
quiet awareness, leads
to loving awareness and
then to sacred awareness
(or supreme awareness
for the non-theists)
and Realization of
the supreme joy.
Words break out the bubbly
intoxication of duality.
Silence is the only
perfect language.
Only those who know the
peaceful no-mind (beyond
rational mind) know the
mystical language. Those
who attempts to correct
the mystic do so from
their ego-sensibilities
and fear of their persona
(mask) dropping and
their bare-face act
being exposed - not
necessarily to someone
else, but most fearsomely
to themselves.
Call the other language
mystical understanding or
cosmic consciousness,
dogs emptying their bladder
on a red fire hydrant,
banana-split bliss, or
transformation, syrupy
sweet samadi, a sunrise
or a babbling brook
over deep sand. Only those
who understand understand.
By whatever descriptive,
it's the world's fastest
language course. In a
flash, a whole new language
is known completely and
One particularly erudite
multi-poster once wrote
that no one speaks from
beyond "the anteroom",
even if they have gone
through the door leading
to New Wisdom.
The Truth: Once one is
taken through the door,
they always speak from
beyond the anteroom.
Only those who know
the language of New
Wisdom can hear it
as it is intended.
But..there's no need
to get upset by this.
If you come from the
ego, you'll hear (read)
this as coming from
ego. If you know the
language, you'll know
from whence it comes.
If you honestly like
where you are, stay.
Nice doggie.
If you feel lost and
have been swallowed
up by social coercion
and into feigned
happiness and peace of
mind, and long for
something more...
there's good news.
There is something
more. And it's wonderful.
It is wonderful! Even
if its Realization
includes the fact that
there's no me anymore -
only no-me forevermore.
If you don't know the
way there, just stay
where you are. It will
come and get you. It's
right where you are.
No effort or some effort
will bring this to light.
Unfortunately, most are
stuck in the middle.
Only those who are
brave and honest
enough with themselves
to venture deeply or
cry out, "Some One
teach me!" will break
the intellectual spell
of dry philosophies
and the strangle hold
of ego-sensibilities,
and step into experiential
knowledge beyond words.
Trying to 'splain it
makes everyone who
doesn't know the
language go bongo's...

Hey people, what's up? Ha-ha I'm still tryin to figure things out too! I've had a life filled with plenty of ups and downs just like everybody else, and I've been making it one of my top priorities to seek out and realize the lessons that this life has given me the opportunity to learn. So I'll share a few things to those who wish to listen...
In life, all that is valuable, all that is of any value at all, is always a consequence of many, many things. You cannot approach it directly. For example, happiness: you cannot approach it directly. And those who try to achieve happiness directly will become most unhappy -- and only because of their effort. When you are doing something, totally absorbed in it, happiness happens.
"Always remember, whatsoever I say to you, you can take it in two ways. You can simply take it on my authority, 'Because I say so, it must be true' -- then you will suffer, then you will not grow. Whatsoever I say, listen to it, try to understand it, implement it in your life, see how it works, and then come to your own conclusions. They may be the same, they may not be. They can never be exactly the same because you have a different personality, a unique being. Whatsoever I am saying is my own. It is bound to be in deep ways rooted in me. You may come to similar conclusions, but they cannot be exactly the same. So my conclusions should not be made your conclusions. You should try to understand me, you should try to learn, but you should not collect knowledge from me, you should not collect conclusions from me. Then your mind-body will grow.
"My message is not a doctrine, not a philosophy. My message is a certain alchemy, a science of transformation."
~ OSHU ~
It's been a long journey with still so much longer to go. So why not make it an enjoyable one? We all have the option of choosing to react or respond to what life throws at us. By reacting, we act automatically to our situations and circumstances. This is the kind of behavior that most of us have and are familiar with, because it is what we do almost all the time and we're just used to it. It seems natural and most of us don't think anything of it; however, by choosing to respond we are making a conscious effort to direct our behavior towards a more beneficial outcome not just for us, but for others as well. We've all heard the word "responsibility", which is the ability to respond. Well, this is what I'm talking about. By purposefully deciding to live responsibly, we are living our lives with the recognition that we have the ability to respond to anything and everything that happens to us.
Essential to this is awareness. Without awareness, we have nothing and can do nothing. Luckily we, as human beings, are equipped with the senses which feed our awareness, whether we realize it or not, with information from our environment. With the awareness of this sensory information we are able to react to our surroundings, but this is not enough. We need to expand our awareness to include what's going on inside of us as well. This is often referred to in yoga as "The Inward Journey" because we travel deep within ourselves to find out who we really are and what we really want out of life. You may or may not know this, and I'm sorry if it bothers you, but we've all been domesticated by our culture and society in a multitude of ways since the day we were born. Nobody can be exempt from this, because nobody can escape their surroundings unless they are dead. What we can do though is make an effort to understand the way we think, and decide whether or not a certain kind of change is necessary. But what kind of change? We are all changing on a non-stop, continual basis every fraction of a second of every day of our lives. Equipped with our ever-expanding awareness teamed up with our Will to do better for ourselves, we can start carving our own path of change in whatever direction we choose .
The hard part, of course, is taking that step beyond the edge of our comfort zone.
“Still, we have to step toward our edge by ourselves. Instead of regarding our edge as an enemy, a place we prefer to avoid, we can realize that our edge is actually our path. From this place, we can take a step closer toward what is. But we can do this only one step at a time, persevering through all the ups and downs of our lives. We may sense danger; sometimes we may even feel as if death is upon us. However, we don't have to leap in headfirst, going for all or nothing. We can simply take a small step, supported by the knowledge that everyone feels fear in stepping beyond the illusion of comfort.
The real measure of practice is whether, little by little, we can find our edge, that place where we're closed down in fear, and allow ourselves to experience it. This takes courage, but courage isn't about becoming fearless. Courage is the willingness to experience our fears. And as we experience our fears, courage grows. Noticing our edge and trying to meet it also allows us to develop compassion, not just for ourselves but for the whole human drama. Then, with an increasing sense of lightness and curiosity, we can keep moving toward a more open and genuine life.” (Bayda 2003)
It’s not like all of your problems are going to be solved, but rather that you start to look at them differently. Besides, it’s not like situations and circumstances come with labels already attached to them. Everything that happens to us is interpreted by us based on how we choose to perceive it. I know, I know, for many of us it may seem like we don’t have any say in the matter, but you will figure it out sooner or later for yourself if you really pay attention to things.
This leads me to another important point: When you are going through life, it is good to view things from at least two different perspectives so that a third can arise naturally... This newly formed perspective is your own unique perspective and not anyone else's. It can be very dangerous running around with other people's perspectives.
In light of that: don't just take my word for things, seek out other perspectives for each and every matter, and frequently test shit out for yourself!
Have a gander if you will at this intriguing video on Cosmic Energy and Meditation...
Here is the last of the video that got cut off: part 12
Enlightenment is ongoing, and comes with the willingness to open your mind to new possibilities. Empower yourself to become greater than you are now. Spiritual growth brings holistic healing into your life which touches all aspects of your physical life. Spiritual New Age Wisdom or Philosophy opens doors you would never have imagined. You are an aspect of that which created you, and have all the attributes, and access to power that goes along with awareness. Free yourself to fly, move out of the box, and create your own truth. Condition your mind to bring all those things that you desire into your life. You can do it, and I can help! ~ Roy E. Klienwachter
Welcome to the Lotus World everyone! 8th gate activated on 2/11/07
Stay tuned for details of my current existance if you wish... otherwise have a nice day! ~Namaste~
Updates coming soon!... I promise lol... school is an endless cycle of work (hehe sound familiar?).
Oh, and another thing... I tend to be a bit shy, and I am aware that it can give off the perception that I'm stuck up. This also doesn't seem to mix too well with my regular use of sarcasm which can be kind of hard to detect since you can't hear my verbal cues. I also apologize in advance if for some reason you choose to be offended by my use of various sentence enhancers such as: shit, fuck, damn, etc. It's all about perception! Stick around long enough to find out for yourself what kind of a person I am. And then come back for periodic visits to pick up a little bit more each time. I try to update my page and blogs with all kinds of goodys that I think the majority of you could appreciate, and sometimes only a specific few.
As the pattern becomes more intricate and subtle, suddenly being swept along is no longer enough...
~What is your true element?~
Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious and loving. You are very wise. You’re wise as in you know things others do not. You can see past the stereotypes and see the real people behind their facades, people will often come to you for help and advice. Quite solitary and somewhat shy around people because you prefer animals and plants. Animals aren't afraid to show themselves or what they are feeling and plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong in your silence, if you set your mind on something you will often times pursue it to the end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so you seek refuge in the forest where you can have time to think and try to sort out your emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms you, especially moving through the trees. Life to you is something precious and should not be taken for granted.
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
The vision and hearing of Grandmother Owl is very powerful. Those with this medicine are can be gifted with the ability to see into the human psychic and become clairvoyant listeners. Owl often visits those who are teachers, therapists and counselors. As a guide, the owl teaches us to see and hear past shadows, beyond fear and darkness, through to the other side that promises light, happiness and knowledge.
Owl's Wisdom Includes:
Silent and swift movement
Seeing behind masks
Keen sight
Messenger of secrets and omens
Link between the dark, unseen world and the world of light
Comfort with shadow self
Moon magick
The owl, whose large eyes peering through the darkness can see any deception. He is always wary of those who he does not feel completely close to (which is not many). The owl is a loner. Call on him if you think people are keeping the truth from you. He will be able to open your eyes.
~Where was your soul born?~
Your soul was born in the Shadows.Your soul was born in the shadows of the moon at night. You're all mystery and enigma and your element is the Moon. No one really knows who you are, but they might think they know you. You only tell people fragments of who you are and never show your true personality. That doesn't have to mean that youre being someone you're not though. You're always yourself and you never do something just because someone else does. Some might think you're a little cold or dull, but you're just hiding your true self for some reason. Maybe only a couple of selected people have ever seen the true you. You are loyal to these people and it will take time if anyone else wants to gain your trust. You let people think that they know you and that you trust them. But sooner or later they will realize that they never really knew you. Be careful. Someday you might need someone who knows what you need. Trust people. You prefer silence and tranquillity. You're calm and collected and a nice person most of the time.
?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ??
One of the greatest New Thought books: The Master Key

You scored as C.G. Jung. You are more of a spiritualist than would be immediately apparent. Some of your notions are questioned by the cynical, but deep down you know the human consciousness is more than the flesh and tissue can account for. You tend to take a scientific observationist look on matters the average person wouldn't even begin to analyze. You personally are responsible for most of the ideas that are floating around in modern psychologist's/psychic's paltry little skulls. On the down side, you tend to be associated with that asshole Freud.
C.G. Jung


Miyamoto Musashi


Sigmund Freud


Friedrich Nietzsche


Dante Alighieri


Mother Teresa


Stephen Hawking


Jesus Christ


O.J. Simpson


Steven Morrissey


Adolf Hitler


Charles Manson


Elvis Presley


Hugh Hefner

What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with

You are the Hanged Man

Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound.

With the Hanged man there is often a sense of fatalism, waiting for something to happen. Or a fear of loss from a situation, rather than gain.

The Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.

The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. It signifies selflessness, sacrifice and prophecy. You make yourself vulnerable and in doing so, gain illumination. You see the world differently, with almost mystical insights.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I "know"... You don't understand, or do you? Do you think you know? If you knew then you would know that you knew and if you are wondering what I'm talking about then you don't know. I know that I know because I just know. It can't be explained, but you just have to know it to know it. You'll never be able to understand it if you keep questioning it like it can be answered. It will come to you on it's own, that which cannot be told, and you will feel it and know that it is true. Stop looking you fools, that's not what to do. I know only a few people that "know" besides me, I wish there were more...come find thee ...are you confused now? ...or do I just sound foolish to you? heheh

This is a movie about the work of the artist, Alex Grey

Trancendental Bliss
File Size: 106 MB

Live at Synergy 2005
File Size: 108 MB

Do you trip? Of course, we all do! What? Oh... just watch the vid.

My Blog

Raising Your Vibration

found this interesting, and I hope you do too...Raising Your Vibrationby Sherry BinkelmanVibrational Frequency"Vibrational frequency" is defined as "the rate at which the atoms and sub-particles of a ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 22:44:00 GMT

Clear your space~ Clear your Life: New Year’s Space Clearing Tips

~thanks guys~----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: SandiDate: Dec 29, 2007 6:18 PMFrom: *Peace~Lover* Date: Dec 29, 2007 5:14 PMFrom: ~Nita aka ~eerie Thanks and Blessings TaraDate...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:33:00 GMT

On Truth and Illusion

Ok so my html editing skillz are like sub par.....>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>SoulJourney home page..>..>..>..>What'sNew?Updated June 1..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..> ..>..>..>ShareThis EzineWith A Friend...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 10:43:00 GMT

The Reactive Mind

The Reactive Mind It's amazing how easily we're taken in by the things our ego-minds tell us and how we automatically default to believing that what we are thinking is truth. We immediately react to ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:25:00 GMT

How To See An Aura (basic technique)

How To See An Aura (basic technique)Robert BruceThe same basic technique, used to see the aura of colour, is used to see all other types of aura, including the human aura. This same technique is also ...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 12:23:00 GMT

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime...

   People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime...                When you know which one it is, you will know w...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 16:57:00 GMT

Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness

  Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness Life can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation,...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 15:37:00 GMT

Edgar Cayce On Channeling your higher self

Thank-you~Make a Wish~ Chapter 1 What Is Channeling? One of the important theses in this book is that the common idea of channeling, as an experience in which one completely loses oneself to a separa...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 16:59:00 GMT

sacred sexuality

thanks to raven sapphire for posting this, I had to share it because this is something very important to me, and I know y'all will appreciate it!!By the same acts that cause some men to burn in hell f...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 11:18:00 GMT

The Master Key

Just had to repost ths bulletin from my friend RAK (Random Acts of Kindness). My current mood has nothing to do with this blog btw.----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: RAKDate: No...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 20:11:00 GMT