No Ordinary Love profile picture

No Ordinary Love

I am here for Networking

About Me

Well, I aM simPly me, a guRl hu has eXtreMes in my peRsonaliTy,,I cn b a mOtormoUth,yet I cAn be a cloSed sHell;I cn be a sWit cat, yet I cN b a groWling tigeR! Bt wEn I get maaAad,let coUple of daYs pass,nd evRyting’s gna be pErfecTly fine aGen. But dNt be afRaid,bcz I dnt bite! Wen iM feeLin doWn or wEn im n d hEat of maDness, I dNt talk,,ratHer I wRite. OncE u bcMe mah frEnd,il giv a piEce of mah souL 2u. I coNsideR mahSelf appRoachabLe, frienDly,nd cheeRful. U sEe, der’s lwYs a smiLe pasTed on mY face. SmTyms, I coNsider mYself craZy,cz dR r tyms wn I caTch mysLf smiLing wn I thiNk of smtHin funNy,,jz bY thinKin huh. I hV lotz of fRnds at diff wAlks of Lyf,shal I sAy, I knw hw 2dEal wd ppl frM mga waLang maKain haNggang sA mga pA-socIal. I cn bE wd anY1 of dem. I am a peRson hu giVes all of Me on evRythin,kHit nsSaktan na aKo. I am a seRious peRson u kNw(not obvious noh). i loVe to rAtioNaliZe tHingS. Nd b4 I 4gt,I am a pRson hu beLieves dt deR riLy is a GOD. Mah faMily, mah fRiends, nd God are my tReasUres. U cn nVr fiNd a perFct peRson in mE,wt maKes me hUman is mAh impeRfectioN. But ds s 4suRe, thouGh im nt pErfect,at leAst im ReaLLy REAL! I h8 ppl hu aRen’t,, gUess who’s d pErson im tAlkiNg aboUt!That’s it! Diz r soMe of d tHings I cn sAy abt mahSelf. I duNno! Jz reAd coMmeNts beLow if u wNa knOw me moRe.. buT if u wNa knoW me skIn-deep, thEn be mAh frieNd.. (but u hv 2b TRUE)

My Interests

studies, fones, sportzz, computerz, chill at guidance office, goin out wit friends, dancing, FudZ, coffee, guitar, swimming, numbahs, pencilz, moon and starz, catz, bracelets, news, gimik ever, laughtrip!

I'd like to meet:

Whoever is REAL!!


NotHin in GeNeRaL, iT dePendS,bsTa,, Justin's, Usher's, Work It, Get Busy, Wonderful Tonight, Right Here Waiting, Return to Pooh Corner, When I See You Smile, Wild Flower, Rainbow.. Gary V's Gaya Ng Dati, Take Me Out of The Dark and Letting Go


Pub Nike Woman - Sofia Boutella

My new commercial, see it! whatever...! Water World, Life is Beautiful, Contact, So Close..!


I got this layout from! Click here to get your own.


If Tomorrow Comes, and Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon, The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo, Accounting books!! And more accounting books! The phonebook of my cellphone, and the address book of my email add!


My mom (Heroine)

My Blog


Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I just stared out my window Dreaming of a could-be And if I'd end up happy I would pray (I would pray) Trying not to reach out But wh...
Posted by No Ordinary Love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

XtraOrdinarY LoVe

It was never about you ...hurting me ...making me cry ...or leaving me and my wounded heart It's always been about you ...being my one great love ...and me ...not let...
Posted by No Ordinary Love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

(They Long To Be) Close To you

Why do birds Suddenly appear? Everytime you are near Just like me They long to be Close to you Why do stars Fall down from the sky? Everytime you walk by Just like me ...
Posted by No Ordinary Love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I Write

If I were to speak, They wouldn't understand If I were to stay awake My mind would be in constant search For answers found only in night's sweet dreams If I weren't to cry I'd understand daily p...
Posted by No Ordinary Love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


..sAy wAt U wAnT tO SaY WhiLe U StiL haVe d FeeLiNgs aNd d cHoiCe... toMoRrOw maY be tOo LaTe..
Posted by No Ordinary Love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST