ashley michelle profile picture

ashley michelle

About Me

Ashley Michelle has been singing and performing in front of audiences since she could walk and talk. At a young age, she would dance around her small South Jersey living room singing into a hairbrush. Following this stage, she would watch videos of musicals and plays and cast herself and her stuffed animals in roles and act out the scenes on her furniture.
Now that she has grown from a young girl to a young woman, Ashley Michelle has traded in her hairbrush for a microphone and her stuffed animals for a cheering crowd. Through the years, Ashley has acquired a strong repetoire of pop, musical theatre, and classical pieces that she can perform from memory at the drop of a dime. Ashley's ability to quickly memorize music has been an asset to her in her years as a choral singer and, along with her distinct soprano voice, has earned her numerous solos and performance opportunities.
Along with singing, Ashley is also a strong actress. While spending two summers at Walnut Hill, a high school for the fine and performing arts, Ashley gained insight into the life of a working performer. She learned to deal with the stress of a strict and tight schedule while taking classes in acting, musical theatre, and directing as well as rehearsing for three different shows that were put on within the five week program.
Ashley Michelle has written several songs that have not yet been recorded with hopes of releasing a few of them before year's end. Her other career goals include performing with multi-platinum recording artist Clay Aiken, starring in a Disney on Broadway musical, and releasing a full-length album of original songs.
Don't Forget To Remember Me
This is My Now
Kelly Clarkson - Fading (Fan-made music video starring Ashley)
Want to contact Ashley?
e-mail: ashley at pixel-pixie dot net
AOL IM: xjustyou
or just send her a message!
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My Interests


Member Since: 10/02/2006
Band Members: Flying solo!
Influences: + Vienna Teng
+ Kelly Clarkson
+ Taylor Swift
+ Lisa Loeb
+ Disney
+ Mandy Moore
+ Carrie Underwood
+ Kerry Butler
+ Clay Aiken
....and others

Sounds Like: ... Ashley Michelle
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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