Fight Clubs, Getting paid, getting laid, Honesty, Money, Smelling Salts, Risk, Arguments, Game Theory, Mind Games, Shock Value, Ballin' out of Control, Chance Encounters, Pangs of nervousness, Choking people who say stupid things, Choking people who think it's hot, Salience, Discomfort, Revolutions, Competition, Intelligence, Leadership, Vengeance, Black outs, "Alpha" People, Committing felonies, Committing people, Sarcasm, Pushing the Envelope, Oral Sex, Good Conversation, Evolution of Thought, Tae Kwon Do, Martial Arts, Just knowing how to beat the shit out of people -- and doing it, Weaponry, Thunderstorms, Power Struggles, War and Retribution
Too many people know me and I know enough people.
Whatever is playing, I'm cool with it. I have such a wide array of different styles of friends that I've been exposed to almost every genre. I guess that's a benefit to living in NYC -- you become more well rounded.
A Bronx Tale...Memento...Scarface...Resevoir Dogs...Ocean's Eleven... Fight Club...Training Day... The Last Samurai... The Boondock Saints...The Recruit...Se7en...Lucky Number Slevin...anything Hitchcock... anything Scorsese... most Tarantino... the list goes on and on.
Family Guy, American Dad, The Boondocks (all cartoons) and Conan O'Brien (who reminds me of a cartoon), The Colbert Report, The O'Reilly Factor (for its ridiculous-ness), The Office (b/c it's like MY office), Scrubs, Old School SNL, MAD TV from just about any point in time, most anything on The History Channel and The Discovery Channel. So I'm a nerd. It's not like anyone didn't know that.
The Art of War, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, The Prince, Leviathan.
Sun Tzu and Ayn Rand. I see some of my friends as my heroes in some ways, too.