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I am here for Friends

About Me

~I used to be Sarah Burke (for those of you from long ago...yeah, that's me!)
~I love God and can honestly say that because of Him I am a different person than I was 10 years ago, or 5 years ago, or even 6 months ago. He is constantly working in me to improve me, and the process is far from over!
~I'm fairly close-minded about food. I'm a meat-and-potatoes kind of girl, and if you invite me out for Indian food, I won't go.
~I'm a girly-girl. I love skirts and dresses and flowers and pretty shoes and makeup and painted toenails. And pretty things in general.
~I love nature and the outdoors. I can spend hours outside, just taking it all in, especially when a front is moving in and everything is fresh and the wind is blowing.
~I'm married to a manly-man. He wears his boxers until they're nothing but a waistband, watches Sportscenter regularly, doesn't like to shop, won't even wear chapstick. And I love him more and more every day...
~My 4-year-old daughter Ellye is the light of my life. She's crazy and fun and sweet. Her personality is constantly developing and it is extremely entertaining to see what comes out of her mouth next.
~I am very close to my family, we ate dinner together every night when I was growing up, we talked about almost everything, and always did stuff together. I know it's extremely un-American, but it's us! And yes, we even had family game nights. Still do.
~I would love to be able to dance.
~I love to watch TV. I love to sleep. I love to eat. I love to cook.
~I want to see people enjoying themselves. If I'm in a bad mood, I won't take it out on those around me. I am full of joy and fun and life and hope that others enjoy my company!
~I love to go out and do stuff, I get stir-crazy if I'm home too much. I love to go to the museum, out to eat, the zoo, the beach, traveling in general. Traveling with my husband is just amazing.
~I love to be with people and I love to be alone.
~I am somewhat shy around strangers, but once I get to know people I'm the total opposite!
~My number one talent is creativity. I love to be creative and am SO glad that God chose to bless me with that particular gift.
~I love to take ordinary situations and make them special.
~I love grammar and English and writing and editing and finding just the right synonym for a particular word in its context.
~Sigh. I'm a dork.
~My sense of humor: I like sharp wit and clever stuff. I like intelligent humor, not "dumb and dumber" kind of humor.
~I am afraid of roaches; heights; the raw hamburger meat slipping out of the bag on the way home from the grocery store, sliding under the seat unbeknownst to me, and going rancid in the hot Texas sun for me to find three days later; and confrontation.
~I am NOT afraid to use semicolons.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Blog

My One-Armed Blog

So Jeff and I went to Lake Tahoe, California last week.  Left Wednesday, got back Sunday.  Skiied, drove along the beautiful mountain roads that took our breath away, ate dinner at some deli...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:31:00 GMT

Things I think about as I lie awake at night...

A trip into Sarah's random thoughts& When did "homegirl" become a subjective pronoun?  As in "when I got back, homegirl was asleep&"  I find that extremely intriguing.  Why, why, WHY...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:06:00 GMT

The Master Sculptor

The Master Sculptor uses His mighty hands, strong with power and dominion, to lovingly shape a new pair of human ones&He pauses for a moment, knowing the fate of this perfect pair of hands that He's c...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:06:00 GMT

Confessions of a PRE-Teenage Drama Queen

Heh, heh.  Amazing how dorkified we are in 5th, 6th & 7th grade.  Or at least I was&there were those who SEEMED cool but I bet they were as dorky as me.  They just knew how to ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 23:45:00 GMT

Some Nostalgic Ramblin'

I was just sitting on the couch, eating a brownie I swiped from Cici's (so I put too many on my plate.  So what?  It was either take them home with me or let the busboy just throw them ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 22:49:00 GMT

Another interesting thing from the mind of Ellye

Okay.  To the average human, this is a porch light.  It happens to be the fancy kind with a motion-sensor that causes it to turn on, but it's a light nonetheless.  It's on the wal...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 21:06:00 GMT

Always an adventure...

My daughter slept in a crib, until last week.  She had her crib, a baby gate on her bedroom door, and a set of gated stairs to contend with, yet somehow she ended up standing next to me down...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 15:03:00 GMT