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About Me

Well, I boarded the Friendster train about two years too late, so the time seemed appropriate to hop on board this bad boy and consequently run it into the ground. Sorry, Mr. Murdoch. I live in Los Angeles where I spend the majority of my time trying to keep my arch nemesis, the LA city bus, out of the left lane. I feel like no one takes baths anymore. The meanest thing you can say to a girl is that she's handsome. I want a dog. I hate when people order fajitas because it takes up the whole table, makes a lot of commotion and is essentially a slap in the face to the kitchen, which you normally have no trouble entrusting in the construction of your meal. I've only been truly close to getting beaten up once and it was at an Air Supply concert. I paid 99 cents for Britney Spears' song about her baby and I don't think I've ever seen my boyfriend more disappointed in me. There is nothing scarier than global warming. Except Pink. Every morning I arrive at work, I wish I was in Vegas. Meet me at the Mandalay Bay pool in 5.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Evan Walkey. In the future. When he's a rocket scientist or curer of cancer or winner of American Idol. I've seen The Lake House... it's totally possible. Oh, and Little Inez.

My Blog

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