About Me
- i'm 44 and FINALLY going back to school to get my degree.
- i have a son, and he is The Ultimate; the world is a better place just because he lives and breathes and exists upon it.
i've been a closet anglophile for years.
----i've just decided to come out of the closet. kippers and spotted dick and a spot of tea, anyone?....anyone???
- i realize that there are big problems on this planet. i got it. i realize that there are more important things to focus on, and that everyone makes mistakes, including me, and that i should be doing much more with my precious little free time to address said global predicaments. i realize that sometimes my mistakes are much more horrid, in the big picture, than the mistakes of others....but sometimes, in the quiet of my own mind, i become a "grammar nazi" and secretly cast a pox upon people who can't spell or use proper grammar. silly, i know. i'm WORKING on it, k???
--- i'm also quite the hypocrite. spelling and grammar = crucial ! capitalization...meh, not so much.
- i despise and abhor text talk. it is the antichrist.
- i have the self-discipline to get up at 4 am and go to work, so i can be home with my son in the afternoons.
--- i do not, however, have the self-discipline to stop reading a panoply of blogs and cruising myspace so i can GET MY HOMEWORK DONE.
- while i have a finely honed appreciation for all art that is quirky, different, modern or avant-garde...
...i also have a disturbingly large collection of LOLcats on my hard drive.
--- really, it's quite disturbing.
more cat pictures
My Blog
p.s..g-strings are for amateurs,,,,
(regarding my subject line - i was going to say "G-STRINGS ARE FOR P*SSIES...but ...that seemed a bit vulgar, no? ..anyway, i digress...more on that later..)
..so i'm trying to make bet...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 18:01:00 GMT
raising my coffee cup to those that inspire me...
i'm working too damn much lately. at least 60 hours a week for the last year, which really complicates this whole single parenting thing i've got going. i'm a bit bleary-eyed and burned out.
three wor...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:53:00 GMT
...so i was rummaging through dooce's blog links archive the other day - you might want to check her out at dooce.com, she's brilliant - and came upon this video. yes, other people are busy ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 22:16:00 GMT
have a spanking good 4th...
i get bored easily. combine that with my minute attention span, and i guess you can say i've explored lots of different hobbies, just waiting for one to stick. i love that about me - i'm ...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:57:00 GMT
full moon, friday night
..i have to be at work at 6:30 this morning - which sucks on a saturday. i woke up at 3:01 a.m. to a bright full moon shining through my bedroom window. delighted to have time to go back t...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 04:19:00 GMT