Layout made by Mishka at .
Hii!! I don't have to go into much detail cuz the ones on here should already know me inside and out... more ways than one... hahaha jk! damn i ALWAYS gotta say somethin sarcastic! *siiiigh*I just wanted to create a profile that I could ACTUALLY sign onto and look forward to doing so..catchin up w/ the people that I actually know by name or whatnot.. sooooooooo sick and tired of the emails sayin', "wutz gooood", "holla at me", "ur hot", "let's f*ck", "hey there, i'd really like to get to know ya, so why dontcha give me a ring, here's my number, my email address and my home address just in case you want it.."....... WTF?
no frontin', just yours truly!*muah!* i love you guys! xoxoxo