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melinda malfunction

I am here for Friends

About Me

i am melinda and I'm a weekend lonely sort.
i am 17.
"It's all those little things, like that,"
Karl said. "What the hell was I thinking?"
random[ness] thoughts a place for my brain 3/18/08, 1:30 PM
Oh bby.
2/1/08, 7:49 pm so this morning i was listening to NPR and it is said that the birthrate in 1990 was the highest it ever was since the Baby Book or "Boom". what this mean? Your gonna have to battle gladiator style for jobs. 1/20/08, 10:31 pm shit i haven't done on eof these in a while -ssssssss- yeaaaaaaah :D 12/13/07, 9:49 pm doooo 17 yr old yesterday. 11/11/07, 2:24 pm i juist realized today was the elevinthhhhouth and i laughed. so anyway dance with me! -dancedancedance- 10/31/07, 8:13 pm "between this time and last, i have tought myself to type correctly, with the fingers and the right keys and everything." Carl stares, he always did that. but today he was dressed in pink and named himself "Peter, the dog that Caitlin owns." and fancyied himself a muse. "I don't think you understand how much I lie to you all." he continued.. "SHUT UP!" said the world. 10/19/07, 8:44 pm "look at me, im bear grillz and that's an animal!!! ohhhhOhhhOOOHHHH!" 10/13/07, 6:37 pm
and then they shouted from the trees, "1983 Mego ceases to exist" and so it was. 10/9/07, 8:09 pm sooooooooooo la la la it's beeen like a month since i've done one of these. for my negative eight readers here is a public service anoucement: fashion was much more rad back in the 90s. JUST F.Y.Y.I. the other "Y" stands for tree. :] 9/8/07, 5:41 pm a month later..."oh boy! what have you done?" said donna, the chick with the hair. So i said to hurr "nothing rly, painting and napped.." "WOO" "...uh, yeah. anyway i discovered i liked burnt sammiches" "WOOOOO! OMFG! lyk..ya" "dood if your gonna talk, please don't." 8/9/07, 10:15 pm
"it didn't look like this is the ad. Not like this at all" 9:39 pm so yeah, my wrist hurts so fucking much. carpul tunnel or sumthing. idk. but! i bought post-it notes. and made a card for one of my friends. so therefore. i am UBER happy. slash HxC. but mostly the latter. cause you kno, that is how i role. also, i was told "you kno, i usually don't like to talk to people who type like you do" so i said "i usually have fangs and eight furry legs, but then i got a surgery" at that point he/she left the room. 8/6/07, 2:31 pm it is offical. i am the best person ever. also, i have to get to work. else JJ will be like "bish plz" 7/25/07,10:58 pm Dive-in Movies sounds akward for some reason..idk, maybe it could be being almost naked with a bunch of people in standing water watching "Winnie the Pooh and That Time He Went to Fit Camp" 7/18/07, 4:22 pm dunduladulaup i went to walgreens today and like my new headphones block out any noises from the outside so it is like -no noise- and strange. yeah. hello?. 7/7/07, 2:18 pm it would be funny/ironic if the world ended today x] 6/28/07, 1:52 pm xD you dun even knoooooooooooooooooo xD horse shoe poo! 6/20/07, 4:50 pm -yawness- tired tired tired. i found cheesepuffs in my moms closet. and then the dog ate -daaaaanCe- 6/12/07, 12:45 pm new pants, new glasses new shirt. i need a new haircut. whooooosh! 6/7/07, 6:23 pm ONE YEAR YAY! one year of randomness. woo! who rly gives a shit? NOT YOU! but i'll entertain myself. The One-Toothed Dinosaur: he lived in a rock and came out at night to feed on children. -DANCEDANCEDANCE- 6/6/07, 11:53 am i got lost. 6/2/07, 1:36 pm lmao. it takes "lots of lubrication to make just one battery" XD. yeah. i'm mature, i swear!. 5/26/07, 11:41 am if dreams were real..half of use could fly, the other half would be dead, as for me? i'd own a rubber duckie. 5/22/07, 5:23 pm one going to make toys. and test viagra on rodents. 5/12/07, 3:11pm "pangks!!" ah, the finer days of eigth grade. 4/27/07, 2:17 pm for the last two, you'll just have to guess am or pm -evil laughs- annnnnnd now im bored. and tired. nap? i think so! blahdy blahdy blahdy. i want an Urban Ranger uniform.. 4/21/07, 9:58 i had to push a go-cart up a hill cause the gas broke. lame! 4/13/07, 6:09 as for smoke without fire? i find it kinda lame. 4/7/07, 8:30 pm i thought time lasted a little too long in that last scene. but i guess it didn't matter. i wrote the script and now it was time to sleeep. but noooooh! MTV happened to be playing jackass the movie and i was caught. 3/29/07, 7:27 pm i think: people are lying to me. 3/25/07, 6:17 pm falling forward (onto sharp objects) 5:00 pm "it wasn't that nice of a feeling" they continued to stare "go away!" and i went through 3 pairs of pants today because of a certain puppy... 3/23/07, 8:56 pm was it something i said!? "noh, it wasn't that hard my friend" she said in the kind of face that makes your spine tingle and you face go all squishy "first of all, you have to hit the "on" button" 3/10/07. 11:49 am bigger than the sky! it's a robot! skyland was awsome. nice nice, and trips to far off destinations. i wish i could remember the tune. 3/7/07, 7:07 pm after their kids left, and the house emptied..the poodle ended up being their baby. 23/5/07, 6:37 pm and they learned that day: shovels can bash in heads, kitchen knifes and D batterys are also weapons. when the zombies do attack, we'll be ready. and you'll be dead. also im lying about the song. it wasn't was bobby in the tree. no one told me! i blame it. stop stop stop stop.. 2/26/07 1:46 pm so they made it a law. if you're going crazy, shave your head, throw umbrellas at the cars, and become fat. she was just ahead of the wave.
(my crack at you-kno-who) 2/21/07, 5:37 i think it is true...he was a burdon on everyone. he should of just shot himself. but no, he continued living...turned 27 and was hit by a bus. i didn't think it was real. they said it was denial. 2/19/07, 6:52 pm i swear! she had handwriting like type. 2/16/07, 6:47 pm i do wish for a lot of things. tiehtsyaswonsdarwpullaf 2/15/07, 5:40 pm and so the family got used to putting their shoes on the table, and tip-toeing their way at night. but they love the dog never-the-less and kept it even though they were allergic to fur. 2/14/07, 6:43 pm "why do his eyebrows curve in?" that and calm. like before something bad happens..if alive this time next year, remind me to sing a song. like sufjan. ummmm happy valentines day. yeah. 2/12/07, 6:46 pm i was buried in the sun, and you kno what!? i liked it. 2/5/07, 9:07 pm
judith gray, i love you 2/4/07, 11:33 am "to the tourist, a bum. but to the birds, a god!" kinda how i feel in miss allens class XD -feeding birds in my corner- 2/2/07, 7:28 pm so i suck at life
:] 1/16/07, 2:09 pm we made sleet balls and tossed them at my mom. "snow" day. yeah. 1/13/07, 1:20 pm Dear Peter,
Sorry i took so long to wright back. I was busy watching Jenny, the robot. anyways. when i heard the news my eyes exploided and now im blind. so i won't have a chance to watch any of your tapes.
hayting you,
Soul 12:22 pm i am too much of a what now!? cell phones and no movies. storys written down in dreams. coughs and purple-grape-ish flavored medicine to stop them
sickly :[ 1/11/07, 5:48 pm i find this funny:
"you are being very socaily-akward right now"
have they ate lunch with me~!? lmao. on the other side it is elevens sooo. im sorry. 1/10/07, 8:01 pm there will never be another 1/10/07 like today, well today was lame. soooo hopefully my ear will stop being itchy and i could sleep. 1/06/07, 5:11 pm the car accident turned him gay
it was for freeDUMB. 1/01/07, 6:46 pm "jesus feet"
it's on the billboard for the church by my house 012/31/06, 11:01 pm sorry i gain wieght im just tired. 12/29/06, 7:50 pm for whatever reason it may be...
im glad you don't trust me.
4:29 pm Dear Soul,
heaven is 10 years behind. all we have are VCRs. And all you do is watch everyones lifes. beging to end. Sorry for the miscommuntication.
Peter 3:14 pm OH NOH! you lost my wedding ring? we'll have to use the sofa. 12/28/06, 3:21 pm i just realized i have an addicting: [not crack or wild partys M.C. Hammer, not after last time -shudder- eh...] im addicted to downloading songs. fat i kno. but your west. 12/20/06, 11:56 am i once was able to talk to an artist, but then i relized everything was on fire, and i had no feet, so i woke up and kept walking. ?%$#^! 12/15/06, 6:48 pm and i think it was a song that spurred everything on but i wasn't really paying attention. so basically im from florida. and yesh my name is Shawqueesha. no im not fat and i do have a few pairs of legs but everything else is fake. i like singing in the rain on top of my horse (shawfawnduh) but it's a dude so it doesn't matter. anyways as i was saying. CLEAN YOUR ROOM NOW. you might find something worth while hidden in the sheets 12/10/06, 1:32 and i was a race car drving off the tree into the lake and nothing! i say nothing!! can tasre my horse that left! 12/9/06, 4:38 I CAN TAKE THE SOUR!
-ow-headache 12/8/06, 6:57 pm i just realized that yesturday was my 6 month anaversary of writing these silleh thangs...must be fat. 12/7/06, 6:59 pm i would give away my socks...for a turtle. 12/4/06, 7:16 pm there are better ways than that to avoid the true you know... 11/26/06, 12:22 pm i would be and build you a poptart castle and gain a hearse and a jamaxcina....or you. 11/24/06, 1:40 pm :<[br /> 9:05 am THE CHICKENS DIED IN A FIREY DEATH OF ...DEATH! [we're going to tell them they flew away] 11/22/06, 4:36 pm -they walks in- why do you always walk in when my feet are attached to the roof? 11/21/06, 10:56 am and i dun think that you much like me. maybe it's the feet...or the way they fall over when you push them down the stairs..HEY! i didn't even kno he was eight! meanie. 11/17/06, whenever except...i don't own a green turtle neck... 11/15/06, 5:44 pm a reply: you are trying to fool me. 11/12/06, 12:57 i dont' want to be him or left. write letters to someone you don't kno because they will write back. and tell you "i still have that potato plant in my garden, didn't kno if you wanted me to feed it.." 11/11/06, 11:11am hello :/ 11/7/06, 11:23 am "And you still think, that noone cares And even god is maybe scared" this mess is his. and my teeth feel funneh. 11/3/06, 10:46 am weeeeeeeeeeee! wall! 11/2/06, 6:09 pm it's eleven, prepare for a bad month....without any cookies! dun dun duuun :/ 10/29/06, 10:21 you can be more then what you are. you're a tree. and can NEVER be a broker. nor a fireman. so go be emo in a corner! 10/29/06, 12:00 pm "it happens gradually and then suddenly You are afriad to live" 10/22/06, 1:55 every ten seconds, someone and something knew to add to the lie i just made. by the way poot ain't no word. FOR SHIZZLE!~vizzle and babys.
12:51 for words i don't understand: HEARSE.
12:22 pm first i was afraid, i was on fire! in a closet next to a baby it was crying i threw it at a horse and then i feel over...blahdy home. 10/13/06, 10:14 pm at the request of a friend: a new. stripped hats in the cold weather lets steal a shoe and calm down cause i haven't seen you in 2 days and a half. well the half is ussually left. 10/10/06, 6:53 pm i don't think anyone can tell, but, i'm pretending to have friends again, someone stop me. oh a btw, your oven is on. 9/24/06, 7:21pm dun dun duuunnn, the would world iss myspace, how else would we know about the world!? T.V., nnnoooohhhh ways! 9/20/06, 7:57 PM sail on now, sail on down, sail on left, then stop cause it ended. fun in a bun yo! 9/18/06, 6:43pm dear norbert, bus rides are lame, i like singing about my feet on the seat, your old, move to florida. 9/16/06, 10:25 pm people, people, people, people, people, PEOPLE! lets make art together. 9/14/06, 8:57 pm somehow, i managed to get a phone...but now it's in eight pieces, and has a quarter in a pocket. i saw a hippo once. and it's name was they. THEY SOUNDS LIKE TREY! lame. 9/13/06, 9:16 pm no, well yeah, i hit the car, but it was ann acciedent!...accidentaly on purpose... 9/12/06, 10:27 pm that dress sure does look nice on you Mr. President 9/11/06, 6:29 pm "no matter what you say it's not true!""...""they did get shot while they were running!!!""i still feel sorry fo rthe robot! it did have a family..." 9/6/06, 8:52 pm this is the last time. that i have feet. i needa dinosaur face head butt car tree in my backyards field to the left. 9/3/06, 10:15 am i've been losing your face in the dirt since 1996. and that 's a numbuh, 9/1/06, 7:11 calafornia state line...maybe i should leave and go somewhere news...fhdsq; not a very good person. 8/26/06, 8:27 it seems to me that elevens are bad luck to other people...when i take the time to notice them. either that or im just trying to fix things quantativaly...or words that i can't spell but less thans and threes or flying. 8/25/06, 5:59 pm gah! -scratchyface- my ear is dead and my toes hert :[ pies are gay. oh! do you kno why he is eating himself!? cause he is homosexual! and i came to ruin your life. 8/24/06, 5:24 pm our defence is a complete is a complete denial of all rsponsabilty, and songs, and music, and tueday...sometimes i read...but it is indeed fiction...i wrote a story wan't written rather thought, but it was lovely, but i wasn't hear when the song ended and i one said bless you.
hey lets pass cellphones around the plane! 8/20/06, 7:06 pm so yeah yesterday i went on a field trip with mike and my lil bro, and we went in the creepy old house that is all empty and stuff and there was like brand new doors all up in it and it was wierd. oh and there was no graffiti so i think it was hunted or sumthing, so anyways i love you. 8/20/06, 9:40 am yogurt with sprinkles!? i think i just ate a fly. 8/19/06 ,10:38 am my tummyis saying ow :[ 8/17/06, 5:52 pm bus rides with sam and his guitar are amazing 7/26/06, 2:21 pm yesh, " 7/24/06, 9:21 pm mooo cow in your pantaloons blah blah blah blah blah song song song sing along blah hahaha pants on your head? wait what did you do? ANSWER THE QUESTION?!? what did you do? why? why? because im a teddy bear?? yes! do you feel that??? just stop. tell me the truth!!! TELL ME! ...did you do that to? no? why not? accept what you's truely a good song. and my current obession. im being to fall in love with ambient music and the newspaper. i have old pictures of my grandparents and of their kids and they are riped and broke but you can obesses about being obessed i can think about things completley differnt. and threw all of the misspelling and horrible words and broken sentences that stoped when i thought of them i say "VOICES" and the shadow project give me things to draw to...very angrily. 7/22/06, 2:08 pm it wasn't my highschool! and i don't really kno charles the horse, oh and p.s i still have your socks. 7/19/06, 9:41 pm well in celebration of Banksy and his wonderful stuff i say this: YAY BANKSY! his piece us staying up on the side of a sex clinic in one of those crazy foriegn countrys because he is HxC. also i have ice cream. 7/14/06, 12:49 am do bkag blah my fingersi broke whle i was typing this 7/ 11 /06, 12:28 am 2 years with an amazing story, life is good indeed. happy Elevens! and welcome new story. 7/8/06, 9:05 pm a little peace of adive?: don't walk a bunch of far barefoot, the streets hurt. 7/6/06, 9:04 pm im replacing faces with other faces. im sorry. but you do indeed smell. and i like those hippo vans, i think i'll get some. 7/4/06, 11:01 am some day but it's sunday? make words next time. lets' dance.
happy independence day...or how ever the hell you spell that. anyways...lets go rock out to elliott smith. 7/3/06, 3:27 pm conversations in my head? with people who aren't real!? no, never!! okay maybe, who wants tofu? 7/2/06, 11:16 am for once..i would like to end a letter as "ps. it's tuesday here." give me an adress to send a letter to so i can. 6/29/06, 12:29 in a room with god? herm..i guess i would ask..."why did you make puzzles, they are really hard!" then i grumble a bit and walk off. but then every religious superhero would show up and we eat a really big hamburger* and then i'd run away from the number 11. the end. [only 11 days left] 6/27/06, 7:08 pm moral of the story is don't buy cars in florida for long trips to mexico. 6/24/06, 4:31 pm im like a super hero. im flying away until monday. bye! 8:22 am i just rembered that i can't rember the first time i noticed the sun! :[ 6/23/06, 1:27 pm "applesauce dangles on a string like slow spinning tomatoes eating left and eating right blah blaaaah. yeah that's sounds right." yeah. remix of dasboard confessionals song vindicated. :] 6/22/06, 11:28 am blah blah sing blah sinngy blah, this is waffles and bacon..wait is that how it goes? 6/20/06, 6:27 am ...and so when i saw Sufjan [ Stevens if you kno your words ] i said to him "you keep making wonderful musical noises, you kno the ones that keep my ears happy, and i'll keep making up storys. and together we will become more powerful than the power rangers!" and he laughed, then i laughed. and then we turned a corner into that big cave...and got hit by a bus. [a new outer-spacey tune for u!] 6/19/06, 1:30 pm alphabet cookies for sale
kids on crack need not apply. 6/16/05, 7:49 pm i got a new hat, i like it, i like it, i like it a-lot. would you care to dance with me!? we could read yu-gi-ho together and then eat a pie. what a lovely life it will be. exspecialy the part when we go down the river on a raft with a banjo. that would be a great day indeed. to everyone else: MARRY ME! 6/15/06, 1:04 om yay! elliott smith song i've never heard before! [i need a soda or sumthing im thiiiirsty] 6/14/09, 12:30 pm lol lyke omg u newb...mhmm that's right. i went there. [and only 36 dollars away from getting a mp3 player] 6/13/09, 11:46 am would anyone object if i become an elephant when i grow up? 6/11/09, 8:07 pm don't worry mom, we can have all the good grapes and we can give my aunt the bad ones...then we will make jelly and shove it in her grape-filled mouth. [almost 2 years.] [one more month left]
3:52 pm I went to laser day is complete. [5th place, score-584, i pwned my little bro]now it's bed time. goodnight! 6/9/06, 7:48 pm all of everything i say ends with indeed...o.O 5:06 pm even if i ate it all..something something something..i like bagels. even though i suck at singing...i should become a singer and travel the world in my bright yellow jacket, like the owner dood in curious george..he was like a pimp or something...could of been. every know pimps work at zoo's. mhmm.
6/8/06, 10:36 am i'll keep my face off your pillow if you keep your floor off my roof :[ 6/7/06, 11:37 pm my room looks funny at night...wait...i'm under the a wall o.o [by the way i painted my room and like my mommy said i would get high or sumthing if i slept in there with all the fumes so i had to sleep in my brothers room and he snores]

My Interests

art, music, applesauce
life's good

I'd like to meet:

James Jean & Iman Maleki & Jennifer Strunge
"to the tourist, a bum. but to the birds, a god!"


1: bright eyes
2: sufjan stevens
3: elliott smith
4: the music on my iPod


I don't believe in "books"


these doods


My Blog


Posted by melinda malfunction on Thu, 29 May 2008 05:35:00 PST

Got a thought? Blog about it!

1983 Mego! ...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Wed, 21 May 2008 06:30:00 PST

1114? No. Do you feel like this?

Posted by melinda malfunction on Mon, 05 May 2008 03:54:00 PST

Don’t look down.

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 (Slight Return) by publius Presidential candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas held this debate on April 16, 1858 at the National Constitution Center in P...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:10:00 PST

Oh, thank God! I was starting to worry.

Good News!!! Over the weekend I learned that all of my current and future problems have been solved. For example, I was worried about the cost of energy, but scientists recently figured out how to ...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:38:00 PST

Mail me something, okay?

..TR> ..TR> Use "Postage Paid" Envelopes to mail a brick to junk mailers! ..TR> Bulk rated pagackes almost ready to go Last updated .. type=text/javascript> .. --> var currentTime ...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 06:21:00 PST

David was a small man.

Little and large: The tiny tortoise who’s a fraction of the size of his 550lb mumBy CLAIRE COHEN - More by this author ยป Last updated at 01:28am on 20th March 2008 Comments (7) At first glance...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:32:00 PST

Save it!

Posted by melinda malfunction on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:00:00 PST

"It’s so beautiful!" James said, "I only wish it weren’t real."

{ the effect in this iceberg would have been created from dirt, animal excrement and fragments of dead bodies | Times | photo }...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:17:00 PST

The Best Of: Garfield Minus Garfield (so far)

and my favorite:  Enjoy!...
Posted by melinda malfunction on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:03:00 PST