I moved to Orlando about a year ago from St. Louis. I'm originally from NYC (where Sedgwick Ave. meets Fordham Rd. in the Bronx) but when I was growing up I lived everywhere due to my parents being in the Air Force(they are retired now). I've lived in big cities to small towns. The places I lived follow in this order: Bronx, NY., San Antonio, TX., Anchorage/Eagle River, AK., Ironton/Athens OH., Daytona Beach, FL., St. Louis, MO., and now after 3 years of living in St. Louis I'm back in Florida, but this time to Orlando. Now I'm having to learn my way around town and Florida all over again. =) I have friends and family all over this country who I can hopefully get in contact with here on myspace. They can be found in Huntington, WV., California, Ohio, New York City, San Antonio, TX., St. Louis, MO., Puerto Rico, and all the way to Alaska! Everywhere on this small planet of ours! I'm basically what you see what you get. True friends are there in a time of need and I never forget that.