HotFreeLayoutsI am a personal trainer and a mom...the most important being the latter. My baby is the love of my life and the sweetest little angel that exists...he has me completely smitten! I love spending time with my husband and my sisters and my girlfriends...I love patios and good wine together...I love/hate running...I'm still a daddy's girl...I talk to my mom on the phone a minimum of 3 times a day...I have recently discovered that I quite enjoy shopping online, (so easy, right?)...I used to hate showers, but now I love them because they're my only quiet time...I love reading C.S. Lewis, his books never get old...I'm a busy little bee but I'm happier than I ever imagined! style type="text/css"> .layout {myspace-layout-name: Grey_Aqua_Pink_Stripes; myspace-layout-site: url(''); } i, em{font-......