Music, Holistic Medicine, History, Daydreaming, Exploration, Useless Information, Trivial Facts, Backwards Thinking, Traveling, Pondering, and Contemplating Life. Driving Around in Classic Cars, Luxury Cars, and Sports Cars. Jamming to Music on a Killer System.
Rock, Blues, Soul, Flamenco, Classical, Sitar, Jazz, Psychedelic, Progressive, Bluegrass... All the Greats!
Crossroads, Dazed and Confused, The Song Remains the Same, Borat, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Detroit Rock City, "10", The Pick of Destiny, and anything with Cheech and Chong. I also have an obsession with Woody Allen films!!!
Soul Train, Daddy!
Anything involving Crime, Forensics, Music, or Spirituality. Here's What I'm Reading Now...