©Sadie Sadistic profile picture

©Sadie Sadistic

When all else fails... close your eyes.

About Me

Self Promoting Bullshizzle:
Promoting: One thing about me is that I love music. I love being around it and I love being involved with it on pretty much any level. It is, in all honesty, the biggest passion in my life.
That being said, I am working on starting my own project with a dear friend of mine. Together we are going to throw shows, street team for bands we believe in (I'm talking about starting an ARMY here people), graphic design, hold special events, and eventually build our own venue(s) for shows. No more ass kissing! Yay! Anyways... it's all on paper, and we're currently working on lots of stuff behind the scenes so that when we do throw that first show, it's going to be epic in nature and HOPEFULLY go smoothly and without a hitch.
A -very- special thank you to those that have been so generous with their advice and support for our dream. We love you and appreciate everything.
If you are a band, and would like to be at a show we throw, and we have not talked about it before, do drop one of us a line and let us know!
Graphic Design: I have been creating graphics for years, but for the past several months I have been getting more and more in to creating graphics for bands. Show posters, banners, headers, logos etc... If you are in need of anything like that, or have an idea for something you would like made, message me and we'll talk. I don't charge much, and I don't get paid unless you are 100% happy with the final result. If you want samples, no problem, just ask!
Mini Bio:
I am 27, but age is just a number really. I could be 59 or 16 for all it matters, but I have been on this Earth for 27 years. Myspace says I am a Libra, but I am a cusp baby, so it lies, the bastard. I am a Libra/Scorpio, to be exact. I am a hair stylist by day, and at night I am free to do whatever I wish. I spend a lot of time making graphics, writing, learning guitar and hanging out with friends. I would love to add a long list of road trips to my itinerary one of these days though.
To relax I either read, or put on some music and lay back while giving in to fantasies of a reality I wish were mine. Imagination is a beautiful thing :)
One of my favorite things to do is get lost, preferably during a road trip. It is such a wonderful feeling to not know where you are, what time it is, or how long it will take you to find your way. It's a bit of an adventure I suppose, and I love adventures.
I am a night lover, always have been. I think better, function better and produce more during the night. I like the hush that falls over the world in the middle of the night. I have always been this way, I don't think I will ever be any different. It is not easy, however, because I still have to hold my 9-5 job. It just means less sleep for me, overall... but it's worth it.
I long to have a job that allows me to do nothing but travel all over the world to work, and in my off time, explore. I have lived in this town pretty much my entire life, and though it is lovely here, I am a free spirit by nature and this place is starting to choke me. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to give in to my vagabond nature.
I love being able to express myself with art of many forms, be they web design, writing songs or poems, photography... just anything where I can get my emotions out in a creative way that makes me feel better and lets me share my work with others.
En Fin.
Musicians/Bands I adore, and you should too.
(Obviously there is more, but you guys need some effing banners ^_^ ):.__________________________________________.:
Lyrical Love
If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you built within
Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin
Living twice at once you learn
You're safe from the pain in the dream domain
A soul set free to fly
A round trip journey in your head
Master of illusion, can you realize
Your dream's alive, you can be the guide

My Links Out:
// My Photography // My Facebook // My Indie Band Blog //

My Interests

reading, writing, movies, video games, music, psychology, travel, concerts, day dreaming, night dreaming, star gazing, self betterment, photography, web design, art, drama (acting, not the social downfall of mankind), good conversation, being a goober, watching YOU be a goober, styling hair, watching the sun rise, hiking, swimming, coffee, driving, road trips, getting lost, challenges, spinning as fast as I can in my salon chair, having a bath with a big bowl of popcorn to float in the water while I eat it (don't knock it till you try it you skeezers), absorbing a perfect moment, abandoned asylums and hospitals (one day I shall attack them with an amazing camera, oh yes)

view my portfolio:

I'd like to meet:

Murphy, so I can burn his book of laws, and then smack him upside the head for writing them.

Buddha, so I can spend countless days, weeks and months questioning him on his teachings, and getting lost in the details.

Einstein, because even though he would be hard to understand, it would be amazing to be around such a brilliant mind.

Jesus, so I can ask him what really went down, and see what he thinks of the outcome of it all. Maybe we could share laughs.

Zeus, so that I may walk through the halls of Olympus just once, and chance a meeting with the other Gods. Perhaps feast on some ambrosia, just so I could say that I have tasted it.

Freud, so that I could enter in to endless debates with him, and enjoy all of the psychobabble that would ensue.

Lucifer, so that I could ask him who does his decorating.


Pink Floyd,
30 Seconds to Mars,
Led Zeppelin,
Carlos Santana,
Johnny Cash,
Duran Duran,
The Police,
Billy Idol,
ZZ Top,
Linkin Park,
Vera Mesmer,
David Bowie,
Depeche Mode,
Smashing Pumpkins,
Lynard Sknard,
The Cure,
Aerosmith (old school),
Guns'N'Roses, Enigma,
Great Northern,
Billy Talent,

(more later)


Scarface, Shawshank Redemption, The Crow, The Rundown, House of a Thousand Corpses, Requiem for a Dream, Lion King, The Shining, Jarhead, Brotherhood of the Wolf (you MUST see this movie), Devil's Advocate, Girl Interrupted, The Labyrinth, ... I will get back to this when I can find my list. It is huge.


The Sopranos (SO much love for that show!), MTV, Fear Factor, American Idol (I suck, but I love Simon), Much Music, CNN. I love the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and the Biography Channel... the Documentary Channel is pretty awesome too. It sounds like I watch a lot of television, but I really don't.


Anne Rice's vampire / witch series (too bad she strayed from what made her stories so great -frown-) I love books that tackle mythology, dabbling in the unknown, history, the darker side of humanity... any topic really, as long as it is not typical or predictable.


My mom

My Blog

Myspace Top 8 Survey

My top 8 myspace friendsTOP 8 MYSPACE FRiENDS1.:30 Seconds to Mars 2.:Echelon Canada 3.:Teena 4.:Leah 5.:Vera Mesmer 6.:Conversation 7.:A Trophy Life 8.:Drew McKay The QuestionsHow did you meet 6?:I m...
Posted by ©Sadie Sadistic on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:35:00 PST

This was one fucked up dream, and I will share.

I should never watch weird movies, and then listen to an entire album by a band right before bed again.  Or I SHOULD if I want to have insane dreams.I don’t remember all of it, so I will li...
Posted by ©Sadie Sadistic on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:42:00 PST

Stand out on the edge of the earth

Stand out on the edge of the earth...I feel so very worn out, but tonight, it is a good thing.  I love how life works in such mysterious ways, and just when you think you are good and strong and ...
Posted by ©Sadie Sadistic on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:11:00 PST

Myspace N00b

So, I have always said to myself "self, you will not create a Myspace account"... what did I do?  Yep, created a Myspace account.  I like to have something to do when I actually get online, ...
Posted by ©Sadie Sadistic on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 04:41:00 PST