Who knew that bowling could be so gangster?The fellas, always down to bring the ruckus. You know how we do....I never thought I would say this, but I'm officially off the market. I think that I picked well, if I say so myself.Me and the hardest-working munchkin in show businessI'm not exactly sure why I tried to 'thug-up' this picture with my mom and my aunt. Really. I have no idea.Me and Brendan at his Green Beret Commencement Ceremony. Now he can kick butt in English AND in Chinese.Me and the Asian at NationalsMe and Jordan at the Green Sand beach at South Point, Hawaii. No, seriously look - the sand is green.No matter how far I go, I just have to follow the lights to get back home....
People smarter than me so I can learn, people less smart than me so I can feel smart, and potential babies' mamas. That pretty much includes anyone and everyone....
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I'm well-rounded like that. Pretty much anything that's got a beat, honestly. Earth, Wind, and Fire (dig it...), Latin music, sneak in some other ethnic music in there, and I'm happy. Lately, I've been listening to Public Enemy, Tupac, Nas, and Immortal Technique, 'cause they know how to drop some science on a brotha.
I like movies where I don't walk out feeling dumber than when I walked in. Suspense movies are more my thing, because they give you time to figure things out, but then still surprise you in the end. I'm big on European film, although don't ask me to comment on the cinematography afterwards...I was probably too busy reading the subtitles. I like movies that force you to change your perspective...to step out of your comfort zone to understand the characters. Like Super Troopers. I know...profound. Oh yeah, and pretty much anything that plays at the Dollar movie theater.
Who's got time for TV? Why watch other people live when you can be doing it yourself?*Note: These are the opinions expressed of someone that doesn't have cable.
The kind that come with a box of crayons. Kidding. Or am I? I like fiction that holds a social or political moral, like Animal Farm or 1984 (that book scared the bajeezus out of me). Right now, I'm reading a book called the Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon, and also a book on political ideologies and their underlying problems.
When it comes down to it, the people that I admire the most are the people that don't let fear run their lives. These are the people that create change, that see past the smokescreen of the unknown, and build bridges between our world of limited understanding and other centers of diverse knowledge.