Aye...whats up! well do you see that pic over there &rarr ??
that's me...haha! as if you didn't already know. well i'm 21 years young.
I am full native american, 1/2 navajo, 1/4 san felipe pueblo, 1/4 santo domingo pueblo.
I love life, laughing, and living.
i have a loving family. There is my mama...whom i love with all my heart. And then there are the 4 rugrats. ugh...they drive me insane, but i &hearts'em 2 def.
I feel truly blessed !
I have experienced new things that i thought would never happen...!
I've been to new places and back, i have had my heart broken, and i have met new people that have added something new to my life (Jake, Amber, Stephen, Tim, Nick, and everyone else on Jake's team)
I don't regret anything that has happened in my life.
How can anyone regret anything that once made them happy??
I love to have a good time...Don't threaten me with the good times! haha!
I have a Wonderful man in my life .
Brian has the ability to make me smile even when things aren't going right!
He is the shoe string to my world, when i feel like i won't make it, he holds me together.
He is "The One" for ME!
I love him...he has my heart!He cradles my &hearts with his
By him &darr