~kAyLa~ profile picture


Is tHiS a CrUsH oR cOuLd It QuItE pOsSiBlY bE tHe ReAl ThInG...

About Me

Hi, my name is KaYlA nIcOlE sHaDe and Im a JuNiOr at MtSu! Im 20 years old and the BiGgEsT gUrLiE-gUrL you'll EvEr MeEt! "When I grow up..." Im gonna be a 2nD gRaDe TeAcHeR and move to NoRtH CaRoLiNa! One day I hope to have my OwN little CoFfEe and ChOcOlAtE sHoPpE! I lOvE sUrPrIsEs and SpOnTaNeOuS gestures! I LoVe to SmIlE, lAuGh, TaLk, SiNg, EaT, MeEt NeW pEoPlE, WrItE rAnDoM-FuLl oF eMoTiOn SoNgS, and just have a ReAl GoOd TiMe!...still LoOkIn for Mr. RiGhT!! I lOvE all my SiStErS!!!Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

My Interests

AlpHa OmIcRoN pI~ WoRkInG wItH kIdS ~sInGiNg ~dAnCiNg~ eAtInG~ sMiLiNg~ ShOeS~ pUrSeS~ cLoThEs~ cHoCoLaTe~ IcE cReAm~ GUYS~ laUgHiNg...

Glitter Graphics

I'd like to meet:

Well I have alredy met her, but I miss her tremendously! She was my other half and we never went anywhere without each other! We had matching outfits, fought all the damn time, but we were/are sisters...I love you and miss you Whitney


TiM mCgRaW, pOp, R&B, Im not too picky, but my heart will always play CoUnTrY!!!

Glitter Graphics


K Kind
A Arty
Y Yummy
L Lovable
A Altruistic
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com


GoD and My MoM

Glitter Graphics

My Blog

WhAts GoInG oN?!?

So, this really great guy is CrAzY about me and Im acting like an IdIoT!! I just dont know what to do...my heart and my head are all CoNfUsEd and are not on the same page!! I wish I knew what to do......
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 11:56:00 PST

BeInG sInGlE...

So, Im tired of being SiNgLe!!! Im just to the point where Im about to give up..I understand that the Lord will lead me to someone when it is the right time and the right someone, but gahhllyyy a...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:33:00 PST

It'S a GoOd DaY!

I don't know why exaclty it's a GoOd DaY, but it just is! I'm in a GrEaT mOoD and I got a freakin 97 on my speech-HeLl YeA! My friends are wonderful...my mom and dad are even better...and I got to see...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 12:56:00 PST

Ohh JeEz...

OkEdOkE! So Im ready for a relationship or something, but ObViOuSlY the BiG MaN uPsTaIrS does'nt think that it's time for me to...so Im dealin with it, or tryin to anyways. Who knows, I mean, Im a goo...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 04:03:00 PST

VaLeNtInEs DaY....UgH

So honestly, why do couples need a day to celebrate how in love and happy they're together! I mean shouldnt that be EvErYdAy...VaLeNtInEs DaY is just a day so that all the single ppl out there ca...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 09:51:00 PST


OkAy...So, Im CoNfUsEd! For once not about myspace! YaY! But Im CoNfUsEd about how I feel! Im ready to date again and I think I have a CrUsH on this guy...but then...WhO kNoWs! He seems like such a Gr...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 09:49:00 PST

ThIS aInT tOo EaSy!

So, I was told that I just had to sign up on this thing and I did. But I just dont know how to work everything and it's FrUsTrAtInG me to no end! Im one of those ppl that I want EvErYtHiNg to be PeRfE...
Posted by ~kAyLa~ on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:16:00 PST