sandy beaches in the summer and good books, a fluffy chair and a fireplace in the winter..candlelit long warm baths..St Louis Cardinals and Cleveland Cavaliers...places with history...traveling to and doing things that I have never done before.
Lebron James and Albert Pujols both whom have taught us the courage to dream and if you believe in yourself and are willing to work hard, it is possible to come from nothing and reach beyond yourself to achieve true greatness. AND whomever keeps hacking into my home page and adding things....we need to talk.
Any thing really, but listen to country mostly.
Walk the Line, Lord of the Rings, really any movie that makes me think, laugh, cry, and feel good.
Law and Order Crimal just gotta love Vincent D'Onofrio
when I am on one end of the world and my son Steven , a US Marine, is on the other, he has taught me that I can travel 1700 miles away from my home, only to find it. My daughter Kimberley and her friend Kelly both whom have taught me how to truly appreciate the gifts of life and the unlimited depth of which true friendship is possible. And, Kaylie Grace who makes me late to everything because she makes me stop and see the stars in the sky, the brilliance of a sunset, the flowers along the road...she makes me slow down and at age four has taught me how to truly see life.