Sports, Sports, Sports, and camping!! And spending time with friends and family!
Well lets see....I would love to meet Brett Farve and back in the day I would have loved to meet Bobby Hurley, and I guess I still would, but there are alot of people out there I would like to meet. Who knows when I will come across these people but I love to meet new and intersting people.
All kids of music. From Kenny Chesney to Jimmy Buffett to CCR. There is not much I don't like.
Jerry MaGuire, National Lampoons Vacation, Adventures in babysitting, Top Gun, How to loose a guy in 10 days. I love movies. Anything Adam Sandler for sure!!
The Sopranos is my most favorite show!!!!! I also like my soap...General Hospital and am getting hooked on the new show on HBO...Big Love.
I love Nicholas Sparks!! My friends and I pass his books around all the time.
I would have to say my mom is one of my heros and so would my Aunt. I look up to both of them and hope to have some of their qualities.