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The Nile Valley Civilization and the Spread of African Cultureby Yosef ben-Jochannan(A lecture delivered for the Minority Ethnic Unit of the Greater London Council, London, England, March 6–8, 1986. It was addressed mainly to the African community in London consisting of African people from the Caribbean and African people from Africa.)When we speak of the Nile Valley, of course we are talking about 4,100 miles of civilization, or the beginning of the birth of what is today called civilization. I can go to one case of literature in particular which will identify the Africans as the beginners of the civilization to which I refer. And since I am not foreign to the works of Africans in Egypt, otherwise called Egyptians, I think that should be satisfactory proof. This proof is housed in the London Museum that is holding artifacts of Egypt. In that museum you will find a document called the Papyrus of Hunifer. At least you should find it there. It was there when Sir E. A. Wallace Budge used it in his translation as part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Hunifer.It was there at that time, a copy of which is in the library of Syracuse University in New York, and I quote from the hieratic writing, "We came from the beginning of the Nile where God Hapi dwells, at the foothills of The Mountains of the Moon." "We," meaning the Egyptians, as stated, came from the beginning of the Nile. Where is "the beginning of the Nile?" The farthest point of the beginning of the Nile is in Uganda; this is the White Nile. Another point is in Ethiopia. The Blue Nile and White Nile meet in Khartoum; and the other side of Khartoum is the Omdurman Republic of Sudan. From there it flows from the south down north. And there it meets with the Atbara River in Atbara, Sudan. Then it flows completely through Sudan (Ta-Nehisi, Ta-Zeti or Ta-Seti, as it was called), part of that ancient empire which was one time adjacent to the nation called Meroe or Merowe. From that, into the southern part of what the Romans called "Nubia," and parallel on the Nile, part of which the Greeks called "Egypticus"; the English called it "Egypt" and the Jews in their mythology called it "Mizrain" which the current Arabs called Mizr/Mizrair. Thus it ends in the Sea of Sais, also called the Great Sea, today's Mediterranean Sea. When we say thus, we want to make certain that Hapi is still God of the Nile, shown as a hermaphrodite having the breasts of a woman and the penis of a man. God Hapi is always shown tying two symbols of the "Two Lands," Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, during Dynastic Periods, or from the beginning of the Dynastic Periods. The lotus flower is the symbol of the south, and the papyrus plant, the symbol of the north.But we need to go back beyond Egypt. I used "Egypt" as a starting point, in that of all the ancient civilizations in the world, Egypt has more ancient documents and other artifacts than any other civilization one could speak of. So when you hear them talking about "Sumer" and "Babylon," and all those other places, theoretically, they can't show you the artifacts. Thus my position is, first hand information is the best proof; and I can show you the bones and other remains of Zinjanthropus Boisei about 1.8 million years ago. But no one can show me the bones and remains of Adam and Eve, et al.So I have the proof and you have the belief. If you want to see it you can go to the Croydon National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya; there, you'll see the Bones Zinjanthropus Boisei. If you want to see the remains of "Lucy," you can go to the national Museum associated with the University of Addis Ababa. Of course, there are a host of other human fossils that existed thousands of years ago all over Africa; but you can't find one "Adam" or one "Eve" in any part of Asia........................................................ ............................................................ .The 42 Divine Principles of the Goddess Maat1. I have not committed sin.2. I have not committed robbery with violence.3. I have not stolen.4. I have not slain men or women5. I have not stolen food.6. I have not swindled offerings.7. I have not stolen from God/Goddess.8. I have not told lies.9. I have not carried away food.10. I have not cursed.11. I have not closed my ears to truth12. I have not committed adultery.13. I have not made anyone cry.14. I have not felt sorrow without reason15. I have not assaulted anyone16. I am not deceitful.17. I have not stolen anyone’s land18. I have not been an eavesdropper19. I have not falsely accused anyone.20. I have not been angry without reason.21. I have not seduced anyone’s wife.22. I have not polluted myself.23. I have not terrorized anyone.24. I have not disobeyed the Law.25. I have not been exclusively angry.26. I have not cursed God/Goddess.27. I have not behaved with violence.28. I have not caused disruption of peace.29. I have not acted hastily or without thought.30. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.31. I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.32. I have not worked evil.33. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.34. I have not polluted the water35. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.36. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.37. I have not placed myself on a Pedestal.38. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.39. I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.40. I have not taken food from a child.41. I have not acted with insolence.42. I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess.These 42 declarations were pronounced by the deceased after Anubis took him/her to the presence of the Goddess Maat and the Divine Judge Tehuti. If the Principles of Maat were respected the heart of the deceased would have nothing weighing down, so it would be lighter than the feather and everlasting life would be given due to respect of these laws that balance the Universe.It is from these Principles, erroneously called the 42 Negative Confessions by European Egyptologists that the Christian religion got it’s 10 Commandments. Unlike the Spook principle of Idols and exterior divinity our ancestors manifested the indwelling divinity and said “I have not” instead of being ordered “Thou Shalt not”
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Band Members: daddii you know i love you more than anything in the world. i would do anything to spend the rest of my life with you... i love you so much because i believe that you would be the perfect daddy to our kids..your a strong mad that doesnt take my shit...most of the time.. your super intelligent and i am almost certian that you won't just let me fail....i know you are the right person for me because your the first person that makes me want to be a better person...and strive to be all that i can be... you don't know this but its because of you that i am pursuing my dream to be a photographer...and i support you 100% in every dream you plan to pursue cause i know you have a million of them...i will be there to not stand behind you or in front of but simply besides you i love you more than anything in the world and i cant wait to be in your arms for forever....and i cant wait till we have our first child or simply stay our first night in the same bed....i love you daddy and you are my everything my king and my god...muah!!muah! i love you waliyuddin aktahb by my wife to beThe Supa Gang Is now OFFICIAL We are now a nation wide Supa team... From Cali to NY and everywhere in between : JUSTICE (FOUNDER & CEO OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE aka "THE SUPER GANG") THE TUNERAIDERS (PRESIDENT'S OF "THE SUPER GANG"), VENA (VICE PRESIDENT) & CEO of HOODWIDE PROMOTIONS aka "THE SUPA GIRLS" (PUBLIC RELATIONS & PROMOTION TEAM) JAY-FIVE aka "BARS UNLIMITED" (THE GENERAL)THE KID WONDER LEMARK (General Manager, Director & Fashion Designer of all "SupaGang" Apparel) KYLE aka HARLEMPIFF (Exclusive D.J., Internet Promotions & A&R South) SIC BEATS.MC EXTRADONAIRE!!!! BEAT VILLAN aka THE BLACK FALCON (BIG MOUTH PROMOTIONS (BEAT DISTRIBUTION AND PROMOTIONS) supa gang is here now black falcon out
Influences: GREAT AFRICAN LAND OF ANTIQUITY A BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF DYNASTIC KMTBy RUNOKO RASHIDI DEDICATED TO DR. YOSEF A. A. BEN-JOCHANNAN 1Ancient Africa produced many dazzling civilizations and although it was Africa's Upper Nile Valley--the highly regarded Ethiopia ("land of the burnt-faced people"), that gave birth to the world's oldest monarchy of which we are informed (Ta-Seti), it is in pharaonic Kmt (ancient Egypt), the greatest nation of antiquity and Ethiopia's most celebrated offspring, that the tremendous volume of historical inquiry has been made. When we examine the Kemetic civilization of Africa's Nile Valley, we examine perhaps the proudest and loftiest accomplishment in the whole of human annals.It should be stated early on that from the very beginning of the predynastic Period to the first Kemetic Dynasty and through the mass of her Dynastic Period African people endowed with dark complexions, full lips, broad noses and tightly-curled hair were overwhelmingly dominant in both the general population and the royal families. The efforts of numerous scholars including Cheikh Anta Diop, Chancellor Williams, Theophile Obenga, Yosef ben-Jochannan, Asa Hilliard, Jacob Carruthers, Charles Finch and many others have demonstrated this beyond sane rebuttal. We need not review the evidence here. This has already been done thoroughly and conclusively and a comprehensive bibliography will be presented at the end of this series. This essay is intended merely as a brief synopsis of Kmt's royal dynasties.By the latter portion of the fourth millennium B.C.E., the forces of the Black Land of Upper Kmt, probably during the reign of Narmer (the historical king often equated with the legendary Menes), had completed the titanic task of coupling Upper Kmt in the South (the borders of which extended from the vicinity of the first cataract to near the apex of the Kemetic Delta), with Lower Kmt in the North (essentially the Delta) into a single unified state. Although the history of the struggle for the unification of the Two Lands is lacking in many details, it is highly significant that Narmer, the first sovereign lord of Dynastic Kmt, came from the South. The orientation of Dynastic Kmt was always towards inner Africa. During Dynastic Kmt's times of deepest crisis renewal always came from the South.Following Narmer, other important royal personages of the Early Dynastic Period include: Hor-Aha (perhaps Narmer's son), under whom major temples were erected and dedicated to the neters Ptah and Neit; Djer, who occupied the throne of Kmt for 47 years and celebrated far into Kemetic history as a superb physician; Mer-neit, who may have been Dynastic Kmt's first female monarch; Den, who conducted experiments with stone as a building material; and the last king of Dynasty II, Khaesekhemui, another Southerner who strove aggressively to irrevocably cement the foundations of a strong centralized Kemetic state.PART 2Kmt's First Golden AgeAfter the reign of Khasekhemui, Kmt's Early Dynastic Period gave way to the historical era known as the Old Kingdom (2686-2181 B.C.E.). The Old Kingdom, comprising Dynasties III through VI, was perhaps Kmt's First Golden Age. The Old Kingdom is chiefly appreciated as the famous epoch of Kemetic pyramid building. These monuments, particularly the three built over a seventy year period, that dominate the Giza plateau, are arguably the world's most enduring expressions of architectural prowess and remain a source of awe, wonder and inspiration. The pyramid of Khufu itself (described as "the purest geometric form in human architecture") has the distinction of being the largest single building ever constructed by man.From the Old Kingdom emerged such luminaries as: Netjerykhet Zoser, the first recognized royal personage to commission the construction of a large monument in hewn stone; Bedjmes, the noted African ship-builder; the phenomenal Imhotep, architect, administrator, astronomer, author, magician, physician and high-priest; Nae-maet Sneferu, the benevolent king during whose reign the classic pyramid form appeared; Khnum-Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid (..Khufu on the Horizon'); Khafre, who built the Second Giza Pyramid (..Great is Khafre') and may have had the face of Hor-m-akhet (the ..Great Sphinx') rendered in his own likeness; Menkaure, builder of the Third Giza Pyramid (..Divine is Menkaure'); Hesyre, ..Chief of Dentists and Physicians'; Queen Khentkawes, ancestral figure for Dynasty V and ..Mother of Two Kings of Upper and Lower Kmt'; Sahure, who launched the first recorded Kemetic mission to Punt (..God's Land') in Inner Africa; Ptah-hotep, author of profound precepts of morality and ethics; Unas, whose tomb chamber was the first to be inscribed with the religious literature now known as the Pyramid Texts; and Pepi II, another Southerner, whose 94 years on the throne is the longest documented reign in human annals.The First Intermediate PeriodBy 2180 B.C.E., increasingly arid climatic conditions and accelerating political decentralization had resulted in a drastic decline in Kemetic fortunes. Incursions of Asiatics into the Delta and social revolution hastened the decline. Mer-en-Jehuti (Manetho) wrote that "The Seventh Dynasty consisted of seventy kings of Memphis, who reigned for 70 days." Kmt's mines and quarries grew silent, and great temples were no longer constructed. River transport along the Nile came to a virtual halt and poverty became widespread. This relatively obscure age of prevailing instability and popular discontent, known as Kmt's First Intermediate Period, lasted about 140 years and comprised Dynasties VII through X. It was during the First Intermediate Period that the Kemetic religious literature known as the Coffin Texts appeared.During Dynasties IX and X (ca. 2160-2040 B.C.E.) domestic order was partially restored to much of Kmt through the authority of an African family based at Henen-nesut (Herakleopolis). Mer-en-Jehuti described the first king of Dynasty IX, who may have been a governor of the Twentieth Nome of Upper Kmt, as "more cruel than all his predecessors, and visited the whole of Egypt with dire disasters." Of the eighteen monarchs of Dynasties IX and X, the best known members include Kheti I, Kheti II, Neferkare, Kheti III and Merikare.
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