i'm a girl, i do girly things! i also do stupid things! i get bored easily really easy. i love gigglin, n foolin around, i love being silly n hangin out over the park with a twister hehe. i love long lazy days in the sun, but also splashin in puddles, i love fancy dress, n acting infact all things theatrical and that lil buzz you get at the end of a performance yet i hate the feelin u get before it, and i love being told a story. i miss lincoln and the ppl there especially the people on my course altho i do not miss my course so much. i hate fighting, arguin and ppl who throw tantrums. i hate double standards n ppl who love them selfs egotistically i mean.
hmmm n some day i wana be either a teacher, theatre director(maybe), or police officer
oooo n i wanna see the world all of it espec russia, morroco, peru, brazil, idonesia, tibet, goa, cambodia n i think thats it for now.