erthang Anything that opens my eyes
Gary Busey,Nick Nolte, Sam Kinnison, and everyone else who is a trainwwreck. Oh yeah that dude in Point Break who tried to kill Keanu Reeves with that lawn mower. Nutty. a href="
vidual&videoid=15846330">friday after next
reggae,grunge,rap,metal,punk basically all of it . Except that corny guido bullshit. Club shit. .. ..
Boondock Saints,Goodfellas,Rocky, OUTCOLD.... s_bc19730abbc7da7c25b5c2fc582f0ca0.gif
Chappelle,and the Price is Right naturally..
Old Man and The Sea,..
Grandpa,Dad,Mom, Grandma, Don Mattingly TO ALL MY BOYZ: " All of us are bonded to the end,If you die ,I die,thats the way it is." ..