..Hey.I'm nancy..from green Bay...love music..any live music rocks..music of choice at the moment is Bluegrass..love going to festivals..I like taking pictures my camera is uaually with me all the time. I love to spend time with my family thats usually where you will find me.
i miss my second family from ohio..who i met going to the MACC festival...Pooh,Brenda,James,Asa,Beaner,trina,Siearra
my bluegrass friends here..Larry and Lois, Ellen,Dan,Michelle,chad
most of all I miss my kids..Nina who has completed her college threw the UWM in WI. and who married ricardo and they are expecting their first child dec. 2 they live in New orleans,LA. My son Eric who lives in Hangzhou,PRR of China who attends college there and has recently completed a 5 yr program in accupuncture. I am so proud of both of them and want them to know I mmiss them very much.To my great friends at the Worldwide Bluegrass.com..want to here great bluegrass and meet some awesome ppl just hit the link on my page..a music stream 24/7 and great live shows..
To Gracie,Vickie,Terry,Les,charlie,Ramblin Ted..and the other DJ's ...Outstanding!!!form>img#googleTLogo
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