I like all kinds of music. Salsa, Regga, Rock, Punk Rock, Alternative, Hip Hop, R&B, Some Rap, Some Country, Tran&Tech, Foriegn Music, Swing, Basically anything that has a really good beat to it
The movies I like to see are Action pack, Comedy, Suspence, Drama, and little bit of Horror I just think they are more funny and stupid than scary but again it depends on the movie
Family Guy, Everyone Loves Raymond, Friends, Simpson, The L Word, Rescue Me, Sex in the City, Girlfriends, Animals Funniest Video,and many more can't thing of right now will later on
I rarely don't read any books but here are some of the ones I have read so far Johnny Lost His Gun, Decoy Man, Goosebumps when I was little still am lol I try to read more of the Newspaper when I get a chance
My parents, My Sister, and My friends