Reading, girly stuff, shoes, makeup, hanging out with my friends, working out at Xpose (no, I dont do lapdances for free), spending time with my husband, my daughter.
Your IQ Is 90
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
Recipe for Love
- 2 teaspoons of honesty
- 2 heaping tablespoons of friendliness
- a pinch of hotness
Blend together quickly and serve.
'What is your recipe for love?' at
You Are a Lazy Cook
Technically, you're a cook... in that you do cook the occasional frozen burrito in the microwave.
Get a little adventurous. Sprinkle some fresh cheese on that frozen pizza next time!
Are You A Good Cook?
Create your own friendquiz here
How Maryland Are You? Your Result: You're 100% Maryland
You have erected a shrine to Ray Lewis in your living room, complete with a "BELIVE 'HON" bumper sticker on your car. You can name every county in the state and refer to Howard County as "Ho Co." The second you step over the stae line, you feel weird, and need a Natty Bo.
Anyone that wants to hang out with me and have a good time. Also Kasey Kahne, hes so cute.
Your Linguistic Profile:
75% General American English
15% Dixie
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
I love a little bit of everything. I dislike country music but I do respect them for what they do. Besides its the only genre where if you play it backwards you get your truck, car, house, dog and wife back.You should check out my cd player. I got Jay-Z, Pharel, the neptunes, Robbie Williams, Nickelback, Flyleaf, some classic rock, Nelly (the rapper and Furtato), John Mayer, Gwen stefani, No Doubt, Fergie. Plus I have different mix cds for whatever mood i'm in.
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I am in love w/this song and him (admit it hes hot). If you know my thing for james bond you know why I have it on here.
I love James Bond collection. Moulin Rouge was awesome I used one of the songs for my processional music. I love all types of movies, the best one is The whole 9 yards. I love watching the dumb editing mistakes that come up. Shows you how much of a A/V nerd I am. I love comedy too but not really dumb stuff. I grew out of the scary movie phase.
Hello, i'm an A/V nerd. I love to watch live tv, b/c you never know whats going to happen. I love watching NASCAR for that reason. I love project runway, Chapelles show, Airline, What not to wear, Miami Ink, Best Week Ever. Anything on VH1, style and E. My husband (thanks honey), got me hooked on the food network. I love Good Eats and know I can somewhat cook. My daughter dances to the theme music.
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Whats your Sex and the City character?
Carrie Bradshaw You can be a little odd at times...but are greatly loved for it. Though you live in your own little world...many people listen to you and take your advice to heart. Though you can play the care-free party girl are better fit as the quirky responisble girl.....with an addiction on shoes (or another clothing item)
Television-Movies QuizzesIf you need something to make you laugh or feel like your on an acid trip watch this video.
I love to read but I never get time to b/c I have a daughter who wants to be read her books first. I love "the power of postive thinking", "success through a postive mental attitude", "miracles happen - the autobiography of Mary Kay", "Mary Kay on people management". Anything that I can take away a lesson, I love to read.
You are 60% Capricorn
How Capricorn Are You?
LuAyne --
A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
adopt your own virtual pet!
How hott are you REALLY? by brokenrainbows
Fave Color:
Fave Type of Clothing?:
Stripper name: Maria Hottness
hottest part?: ass
How hott are you?: SUPER HOTT
Girls think you are.. hott
Guys think you are... beautiful
My momma, also anyone who isnt afraid to be who they truely are and not worry what everyone else thinks about them and Meatwad from the best adult cartooon ever, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. My other cartoon hero is Bubbles from the Powerpuff girls. If you know me than you know why.
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