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; x §ÚïÇïÐåL-£RµÌ†-LðÖþ ; x™

I am here for Friends

About Me

ADD MY BK UP PROFILE NOW: myspace.com/bambamfruitloop
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Well lets c....my name is becca im 18 i live in the borin ass town of kenansville there aint shyt here 2 do here. Im single by choice i dont wont nobody im tired of gettin my heart broke BY THE SAME PERSON but newayz im pretty laid bk i luv 2 meet nu ppl o and btw im alil bit weird but then again who aint these days call me crazy if u want i dont care cuz its tru. My hobbies r drinkin, smokin, drawin, writin shyt lyk that. I fuckin luv all my friends they mean the world 2 me mainly swamp, tyler, donnie, and candy cuz there always there 4 me there the bestest friend u could ever have. AND If ur gonna add me 2 fuckin talk shyt i will fuckin delete u...after i talk shyt bk BUT NEWHOZ lyk i was sayin dont be afraid 2 add me im only a bitch if ur a bitch 2 me......newayz if u have ne Q: 4 me or want 2 kno sumthing else jus hit me up onYahoo [email protected] [email protected] Me FuCkErZ!!!!!
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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: bEcCa
Date of Birth: 9/19/88
Birthplace: 5 mIn FrOm HeRe
Current Location: sTiLl HeRe
Eye Color: gReEn
Hair Color: bRoWn
Height: 5'8
Heritage: uNiQuE
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: 2
Band/Singer: lInKiN pArk
Song: iN tHe EnD
Movie: cOaCh CaRtEr
Disney Movie: 101 dAlmAtIaNs, lOl i No I nO
TV show: eR, sTrOnG mEd, AnD sCrUbS
Color: bLaCk, BlUe, AnD gRaY
Food: mAc & ChEeSe
Pizza topping: bAcOn, GrEeN pEpPeRs, AnD ONiOnS
Ice-Cream Flavor: vAniLlA
Drink (alcoholic): wAt ThE hElL dO u ThInK
Soda: dR. pEpPeR
Store: aBc
Clothing Brand: wAt EvA tHe HeLl I pUt On
Shoe Brand: nIkE bIoTcH
Season: sUmMeR
Month: sEpTeMbEr
Holiday/Festival: eRrYdAy
Flower: rOsE
Make-Up Item: fucK mAkE-uP
Board game: pIc 1 4 Me
This or That
Sunny or rainy: rAiNy
Chocolate or vanilla: cHoCoLaTe
Fruit or veggie: fRuIt
Night or day: nItE
Sour or sweet: sOuR
Love or money: lUv
Phone or in person: eItHeR
Looks or personality: pErSoNaLiTy
Coffee or tea: tEa
Hot or cold: hOt
Goal for this year: b Me
Most missed memory: mY mOm
Best physical feature: mY eYeS
First thought waking up: dAmN iM sTiLl BrEaThIn
Hypothetical personality disorder: dUmB aSs
Preferred type of plastic surgery: fUcK pLaStiIc SuRgErY
Sesame street alter ego: dA fUcKiN cOoKiE mOnStEr
Fairytale alter ego: 1 oF dA sEvEn dWoRfS
Most stupid remark: fUcK yEa DoGgY, rOoF rOoF
Worst crime: hElL nAh I aInT tElLiN u, U aInT bUsTiN me
Greatest ambition: i DuN nO
Greatest fear: bEiN cAuGhT
Darkest secret: iM aN aLlAhOliC..lOl i No It AiNt SpElLeD rItE dUmB aSs ThAtS tHe PoInT
Favorite subject: nEtHiNg BuT mE
Strangest received gift: yA dOnT wAnNa No
Worst habit: pLaYiN 2 mUcH
Do You:
Smoke: fUcK yEa
Drink: fUcK yEa
Curse: uMmM leT mE tHiNk........fUcK yEa
Shower daily: tHaTs A sTuPiD q:
Like thunderstorms: lUv Em
Dance in the rain: uH nO, bUt I pLaY iN iT tHo
Sing: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Play an instrument: uSeD 2
Get along with your parents: sUmTiMeS
Wish on stars: hElL yEa
Believe in fate: hElL yEa
Believe in love at first sight: dUn No NeMoRe,
Can You:
Drive: dUh
Sew: nO
Cook: yEa
Speak another language: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk, iTs CaLlEd GiBbErIsH.
Dance: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Sing: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Touch your nose with your tongue: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Whistle: wHo DoNt
Curl your tongue: hAvE b4
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: dUh ShYt
Been Stoned/High: dUh ShYt
Eaten Sushi: hElL nAh
Been in Love: yEa
Skipped school: mAnY tImEs
Made prank calls: mAnY tImEs
Sent someone a love letter: yEa
Stolen something: uMmM.....yEa
Cried yourself to sleep: mAnY tImEs
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? dIfFeReNt ThInGs DePeNdS oN wHo ThEy R
Are you right or left handed? rItE
What is your bedtime? NeTiMe bEtWeEn 12 a.m. - 8 a.m.
Name three things you can't live without: tv, CoMpUtEr, AnD gAmEs
What is the color of your room? pInK, bUt noT bY cHoIcE tHo
Do you have any siblings? yEa 1 Of EaCh
Do you have any pets? 2 dOgS, 2 cAtS, aNd 2 sPIdErS
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? ......Mayb
What is you middle name? nOeL...tElL nE1 aNd IlL kIlL u
What are you nicknames? aLlAhOliC, g.I. jAnE, sMiLiE, sMuRf, AnD nEmO. aLl fRoM dIfFeReNt PlAcEs
Are you for or against gay marriage? fOr It, CuZ I dOnT hAtE oN Ne1 4 wAt ThEy BeLiEvE iN, lOoK lIkE, oR nEtHiNg ElSe
What are your thoughts ..ion? nOt UnLeSs ShE wUz RaPeD
Do you have a crush on anyone? yEa
Are you afraid of the dark? hElL nO, i LuV It
How do you want to die? pAiNlEsS
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? dOnT mEmBeR
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yEa, 4 Ne1 i CaRe 4 I wOuLd
What is the last law you’ve broken? uNdEr AgE dRiNkIn, AnD tHaTs AlL iLl AdMiT 2
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: nE
Eye color: nE
Height sAmE oR tAlLeR tHaN mE
Weight nE
Most important physical feature: eYeS
Biggest turn-off a HeArTlEsS bAsTaRd
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comsCrOlL b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l Click here to make Falling Objects b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u l b 2 e m t n a w u o h w t o n e m 4 e m v u lcu
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by vanessa

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Hangin out with my friends and gettin fucked up. U no the normal teen thing doin everything ur NOT supposed 2 do jus bcuz u no u can, lol.........All my lyfe ive been over the top. I dont know what Im doin, all I know is I dont wanna stop. O and btw I LUV MY

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the perfect guy, which will never happen cuz there all dickheads--------------------------------------------------- --


Rap,rock, countryMat Kearney Nothing Left To Lose .. Music Video Codes By Music Jesus.com


how high,half baked,dude wheres my car, pretty much nething funny


ER, Strong Med, Scrubs, South Park, and almost errthing on MTV and BET, and i cant 4get miami ink


books? i dont how 2 read

picture hosting


me,myself,and i

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My Blog

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