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Well lets name is becca im 18 i live in the borin ass town of kenansville there aint shyt here 2 do here. Im single by choice i dont wont nobody im tired of gettin my heart broke BY THE SAME PERSON but newayz im pretty laid bk i luv 2 meet nu ppl o and btw im alil bit weird but then again who aint these days call me crazy if u want i dont care cuz its tru. My hobbies r drinkin, smokin, drawin, writin shyt lyk that. I fuckin luv all my friends they mean the world 2 me mainly swamp, tyler, donnie, and candy cuz there always there 4 me there the bestest friend u could ever have. AND If ur gonna add me 2 fuckin talk shyt i will fuckin delete u...after i talk shyt bk BUT NEWHOZ lyk i was sayin dont be afraid 2 add me im only a bitch if ur a bitch 2 me......newayz if u have ne Q: 4 me or want 2 kno sumthing else jus hit me up onYahoo
[email protected]
[email protected] Me FuCkErZ!!!!!
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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: bEcCa
Date of Birth: 9/19/88
Birthplace: 5 mIn FrOm HeRe
Current Location: sTiLl HeRe
Eye Color: gReEn
Hair Color: bRoWn
Height: 5'8
Heritage: uNiQuE
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: 2
Band/Singer: lInKiN pArk
Song: iN tHe EnD
Movie: cOaCh CaRtEr
Disney Movie: 101 dAlmAtIaNs, lOl i No I nO
TV show: eR, sTrOnG mEd, AnD sCrUbS
Color: bLaCk, BlUe, AnD gRaY
Food: mAc & ChEeSe
Pizza topping: bAcOn, GrEeN pEpPeRs, AnD ONiOnS
Ice-Cream Flavor: vAniLlA
Drink (alcoholic): wAt ThE hElL dO u ThInK
Soda: dR. pEpPeR
Store: aBc
Clothing Brand: wAt EvA tHe HeLl I pUt On
Shoe Brand: nIkE bIoTcH
Season: sUmMeR
Month: sEpTeMbEr
Holiday/Festival: eRrYdAy
Flower: rOsE
Make-Up Item: fucK mAkE-uP
Board game: pIc 1 4 Me
This or That
Sunny or rainy: rAiNy
Chocolate or vanilla: cHoCoLaTe
Fruit or veggie: fRuIt
Night or day: nItE
Sour or sweet: sOuR
Love or money: lUv
Phone or in person: eItHeR
Looks or personality: pErSoNaLiTy
Coffee or tea: tEa
Hot or cold: hOt
Goal for this year: b Me
Most missed memory: mY mOm
Best physical feature: mY eYeS
First thought waking up: dAmN iM sTiLl BrEaThIn
Hypothetical personality disorder: dUmB aSs
Preferred type of plastic surgery: fUcK pLaStiIc SuRgErY
Sesame street alter ego: dA fUcKiN cOoKiE mOnStEr
Fairytale alter ego: 1 oF dA sEvEn dWoRfS
Most stupid remark: fUcK yEa DoGgY, rOoF rOoF
Worst crime: hElL nAh I aInT tElLiN u, U aInT bUsTiN me
Greatest ambition: i DuN nO
Greatest fear: bEiN cAuGhT
Darkest secret: iM aN aLlAhOliC..lOl i No It AiNt SpElLeD rItE dUmB aSs ThAtS tHe PoInT
Favorite subject: nEtHiNg BuT mE
Strangest received gift: yA dOnT wAnNa No
Worst habit: pLaYiN 2 mUcH
Do You:
Smoke: fUcK yEa
Drink: fUcK yEa
Curse: uMmM leT mE tHiNk........fUcK yEa
Shower daily: tHaTs A sTuPiD q:
Like thunderstorms: lUv Em
Dance in the rain: uH nO, bUt I pLaY iN iT tHo
Sing: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Play an instrument: uSeD 2
Get along with your parents: sUmTiMeS
Wish on stars: hElL yEa
Believe in fate: hElL yEa
Believe in love at first sight: dUn No NeMoRe,
Can You:
Drive: dUh
Sew: nO
Cook: yEa
Speak another language: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk, iTs CaLlEd GiBbErIsH.
Dance: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Sing: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Touch your nose with your tongue: yEa, WeN iM dRuNk
Whistle: wHo DoNt
Curl your tongue: hAvE b4
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: dUh ShYt
Been Stoned/High: dUh ShYt
Eaten Sushi: hElL nAh
Been in Love: yEa
Skipped school: mAnY tImEs
Made prank calls: mAnY tImEs
Sent someone a love letter: yEa
Stolen something: uMmM.....yEa
Cried yourself to sleep: mAnY tImEs
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? dIfFeReNt ThInGs DePeNdS oN wHo ThEy R
Are you right or left handed? rItE
What is your bedtime? NeTiMe bEtWeEn 12 a.m. - 8 a.m.
Name three things you can't live without: tv, CoMpUtEr, AnD gAmEs
What is the color of your room? pInK, bUt noT bY cHoIcE tHo
Do you have any siblings? yEa 1 Of EaCh
Do you have any pets? 2 dOgS, 2 cAtS, aNd 2 sPIdErS
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? ......Mayb
What is you middle name? nOeL...tElL nE1 aNd IlL kIlL u
What are you nicknames? aLlAhOliC, g.I. jAnE, sMiLiE, sMuRf, AnD nEmO. aLl fRoM dIfFeReNt PlAcEs
Are you for or against gay marriage? fOr It, CuZ I dOnT hAtE oN Ne1 4 wAt ThEy BeLiEvE iN, lOoK lIkE, oR nEtHiNg ElSe
What are your thoughts ..ion? nOt UnLeSs ShE wUz RaPeD
Do you have a crush on anyone? yEa
Are you afraid of the dark? hElL nO, i LuV It
How do you want to die? pAiNlEsS
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? dOnT mEmBeR
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yEa, 4 Ne1 i CaRe 4 I wOuLd
What is the last law you’ve broken? uNdEr AgE dRiNkIn, AnD tHaTs AlL iLl AdMiT 2
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: nE
Eye color: nE
Height sAmE oR tAlLeR tHaN mE
Weight nE
Most important physical feature: eYeS
Biggest turn-off a HeArTlEsS bAsTaRd
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