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I am a Bo mama through and through, but I am incredibly grateful for being raised in Montreal, a cultural mecca. I want to try and bring some of the big city to this small town, otherwise I'll be bored silly. The ocean and mountains keep me feeling whole, so I think I'll stay. When I'm involved in an artistic project I am at my best, inspired and energetic. I put on my 6th FREEBOX FASHION SHOW in July and it was super fun and successful!! For all of you out there who missed the show it was called " Redemption the Passion of the Fashionbox". It stars gorgeous costume clad models in different categories. We started with the seven deadly sins; sloth, gluttony, greed,envy,pride,lust and wrath. Then we went to into Hell where Lucifer was with his sexy devil ladies. Intermission was purgatory and poetry. The 2nd half started in Biblical times with baby Jesus,Sunday church-goers, Televangelists, Christian Rockers,Jesus Christ Superstar, Garden of Eden w/ Adam and Eve and the finale was Heaven with about 30 beautiful Bo Angels- It was a sight to behold!! I have a great DVD of it that is 2 hrs long! I want to do a screening of it at some point. Current TV is also doing a short piece on it that will air at some point soon. I will keep ya'll posted!! I also want to help organize a hiphop or reggae show @ the Community center, I'm still bugging BOBADILL to get Midnite to sing to us. I am planning on a benefit Cabaret night this coming spring at the peace barn, if you want to express your mad talents- message me. I have also been working on a photo documentation project of the local beach grafitti and its transformation over the last year and a half, it would make a great backdrop to a hiphop night or maybe even a coffee table book?? I also wanted to put out there that I have a sweet new job at EVO spa and wellness center in Strawberry Village in Mill Valley. Come visit me for organic facials and other beauty needs. They also have acupuncture and killer massage. Life is its most divine when we can love and heal eachother and inspire artistic expression!!