Suquain |
The suquain is a poem that is 4 syllables, 7 syllables and 10 syllables. Here's the original:You are shoppingOur children are fightingI am ruing the day I gave up drugsNow here is my very first suquai... Posted by Freakmagnet Jones on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 06:33:00 PST |
Haiku You! |
Haiku is a 5 syllable, 7 Syllable, 5 syllable poem. I'll do some, and then YOU try! Post it here!Box of steel on wheelsAnyone who pays may rideThe bus makes me sadCoughing in my faceLookin... Posted by Freakmagnet Jones on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST |
And Bushku, Too! |
Here's a fun kind of poem you can do and post here! Bushku is a haiku-like poem that has 3 syllables, 5 syllables and 3 syllables. Here are some of mine.DaintilyCompletely soothingMagic to... Posted by Freakmagnet Jones on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:48:00 PST |
Cinquain Corner |
Not exactly a Haiku, but based on them. The form is 2 syllables, 4 Syllables, 6 syllables, 8 syllables and 2 syllables. There are other rules which I sometimes follow, and sometimes ignore.DailySame... Posted by Freakmagnet Jones on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST |