Trying to be cool in everyones eyes...
People who think i am cool and constantly tell me that i am...
Old school rappers so you know I've always been down, I know the new hottest so i seem hip and some exclusive stuff you've never heard, Like from another country so i seem cultured..
The popular stuff, I'll say scarface is my favorite movie of all time cause its the cool thing to do, I'll say i like foreign films and some independent stuff so i look smart and of course cool...
I won't watch TV, because its beneath me... unless you do?
Ask me about Books online, Because thanks to Google I've read everything you read and more. I can even give you a summary on it and my/someone else's thoughts on it...
James dean... Don't like him? How about Malcolm X? Gandhi?? Oh i know my Moms and my Pops God rest his soul...