playiNg-----: c0mputer! chess! maybe all s0rts of gAmes that inv0lves the "ball"! reAding bo0ks!!(horRor!!) watching tV!!! s0und trip PURE ROCK! ^lolz!^ at mang-asAr ng tAo....(nyahahahah!!!)
~(ahahahahaha)~ i w0uld really like to meEt y0u!! myspAce is s0 dAmn isolated!! i d0nt think i cAn meEt friends hEre!!! ahahaha!!!!!!!!!!lucky am I if s0mebody cAn read this....kakatawA shit!!
i liKe listenin' to R&B, alternativEs...----mUsics with lound "bass", love s0ngs!(duh?!!)s0me old s0ngs to0 ~~ahaha!~~
ahahahahaha!!!!(((here wE go agAin)))~~~~ i sAid, I like HORROR!!!! any movie with SENSE especially the frightening one's!!! and stephen King Movies...
those that aRe written by stephen king, John gRisham, John Saul, scott tur0w...and school b0oks!!!(any!)
"plants"~"ants"~"oxygen" at si Jose Rizal dAw ((nyahahahah!!))