It's about dat time dat i leave sumthing fresh 4 yall. 1st off, ima leave u a few thingz about me:
1.Ima very down to earth kinda gyrl
2.I do have my attitudes
3.Ima senior n high school
4.I luv to chill wit real people
5.I can crack jokes @ times
6.Im Real about mines.
B4 i close i want to let all da CAROLINA folks know dat i luv yall and i miss yall all da time. It gets lonely @ times, but like yall alwayz told me we go thru sumtimes. I think about yall erday. I also thank u 4 da fone calls at night, during da day, even n da mornings to keep me encourged and to keep me lifted up. But just a friendly reminder.......... Im cumn back and we gone turn NC out. I luv yall,
LYNNRIP: Beatle Juice, I miss u
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wHaT'z yA fAv ..
Beverage (non-alc) ? Sprite
Beverage (alc) ? Smirnoff Ice
Color ? Brown
Food ? Soul Food
Item of clothing ? Mini Skirts
Meal of the day ? Dinner
Feature on yourself ? Dimmples
Quality in a guy/girl ? Looks & Personality
Phrase ? Ok! Serious Mode
Song ? Nivea- Complicated
Musical Artist/Band ? Chris Brown
Sport ? Basketball
Movie ? School of Rock
TV Show ? American Funniest Videos
Radio Station ? 99.1 Da Fox
Type of Chocolate ? Milk Chocolate
Eye Color ? Dark Brown
d0 yA/hAv3 yA 3v3r ..
Have any pets ? Yes
Smoke ? Yes
Drink ? Yes
Have any piercings ? 3 piercings
Have any tatoos ? 1
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend No- It will neva cross my mind
Had sex ? Yes
Gone streaking ? No
Gone skinny dipping ? No
Been to Europe ? No
Been to an island ? Yes - Key West
Had stitches ? No
Broken any bones ? No
Been stabbed/shot ? No
Slept until after 12:00 ? Yes
Stayed up all night ? Yes- All da time lately
Danced like a whore ? No
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? No
wHiCh fRi3nD ..
Is the funniest ? Damaricus Thomas
Is the prettiest ? NaNa Janyes
Is the most handsom ? Everybodi iz handsum n there own way
Is the loudest ? Tiffany Jones
Is the craziest ? Ken
Is the most shy ? Shacoya Forson
Is the most loving ? Nikki Cooper
Is the most understanding ? Jany
Is the most boring ? Brian (lol)
Is the richest ? N/A
Is the most athletic ? Ashley Neal
Is the most cocky ? Tarence
Is the biggest sex icon ? Dion Johnson
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Earin
Do you look up to the most ? GOD
Do you tell everything to ? Shatoya Ladson
Has the best clothes ? Jasminne
Has the best house ? N/A
Would you ever ..
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? No
Kiss someone of the same sex ? No
Cheat on someone you love ? No- will neva cross my mind
Run away from home ? Once waz
Lie to your parents ? Yes
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Yes
Lie to your best friend ? No
Give a homeless person money ? Yes
Run from the police ? No
Bungee jump ? No
Sky dive ? No
Cross dress ? No
Be an exotic dancer ? 4 play play...... Not n real life
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? No
Scuba dive ? No
Go rock climbing ? No
Go spulunking (caving) ? No
wHaT d0 yA tHiNk 0f Wh3n yA h3aR ..
Eminem ? Whit boy tryna live
Bologna ? Its good
Hott ? Me
Orange ? a fruit or color
Real world ? My life on my own
Jack ? Who?
Cucumber ? toping 4 a salad
Hip-Hop ? Sumthing i can nod my head 2
Uniform ? Work
UniCORN ! ?
Rainbow ? Cute
Clown ? Scared of em
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