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About Me

I've lived 18yrs of my life in South Carolina....decided i had to leave to catch up with the world and now i'm stationed at Ft. Hood Texas...and better yet.... I am presently in the lovely hole called Iraq.(So i didn't get to far....) I love to travel and see new things, learn new things...(which i know is odd to say right now cause they ain't much to see.....or learn...) The best thing thats come out of my decision of leaving Carolina is that I've met alot of interesting folks from all over the United States and have enjoyed getting to know them. There are many personalities and interests that are unique to each individual. So, I say travel and try everything once and meet as many people you can cause ye ain't living for to long....don't limit yourself from your hearts desire.Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. -- Author Unknown

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My Interests

"A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular." — Adlai Stevenson II, American politician, presidential candidate (1900-1965)“Man's basic vice, the source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal to know.'' — Ayn Rand, Russian/American author and philosopher (1905-1982) “People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.” — Edith Wharton, American novelist (1862-1937), from The Age of InnocenceI have ALOT of interests....I like to travel see and learn new things...I love different cultures...(crazy right, but keep an open mind cause thats where the learning experience comes in)...try everything once you never know what you are gonna miss out on in your life....

I'd like to meet:

There really isn't to many well known people i'd like to meet except for Matthew McConaughey....other than that i'd like to meet anyone who crosses my path...people are intresting...(at least most are)....i like hearing other peoples' ideas and opinions even if i agree or disagree, but like anyone, i like people to hear my ideas and opinions....even if you agree or it says from the word of the wise..."An Honest Answer is like a Kiss on the Lips......" LOL!!! Good one huh?


I listen to alot of country, but I do also listen to other varities. Music is like art. Much expression of an individaual comes through music and also the listener. It identifies with emotion of the individual willing to listen.


I am an action/suspence fan...I love the edge of the seat "dang whats gonna happen" feeling...the 'intense' feeling. I also like comedy...everyone loves to laugh right? I also love the movie The Incredibles and Shriek.


If only I was intrested enough to watch. Maybe I could one day make it a hobby........


I read alot of stuff...lately i've been reading books by John Grisham.


Heros....I have alot of respect for people that has taught me the "ropes" throughout my life. Folks that have faith in me...with no doubts. It has kept me a determined individual and has gotten me as far as I am today. Many thanks to all yuns...though you may or may not know who you are....
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My Blog

A Secret

I have longed to hear the honest words from the souls of the mortalI have followed the shores of emerald watersthe phases of the luna leading me in the centuries that have pastCan I whisper a secreton...
Posted by Brandi on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:38:00 PST

What I See

   Sitting today debating the futureWhile all I am is an onlookerDay after Day the same ignoranceEveryone groveling in they own beligeranceI have nothing to give, sure ain't got  &...
Posted by Brandi on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:30:00 PST


"Do you see a bridge as an obstacle-as just another set of steps to climb to get from one side of a canal to the other? We Venetians do not see bridges as obstacles. To us bridges are transitions. We ...
Posted by Brandi on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 05:34:00 PST

Where is the humanity in Iraq??? NOWHERE!

             Living in the land of Unforgiveness...     A land where one forgets their HeartOpen emptiness; freezes the soul w...
Posted by Brandi on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 03:36:00 PST