I love playing sportz, going shopping with my friendz, swimming and laying out all summer. I Love to go out with friends, boys and having a good time. I don't know what i would do without these kewl people in my life! I like being fun-E & tell stupid jokes. In the winter time I love going sledding and snowboarding! I think it's GrEaT fun to hook up the sled to a back of a 4wheeler and jump on! i love making snow angels, ride'n in the sleigh, go'n 4 long walks in the snow(best at night with light snow falling), going ice skating on the pond, building fortz and tunnels all day, and having BIG snowball fightz! now, THAT'Z what I call GrEaT fUnBEST BOYFRIEND • give her your hoodie even if you go to different schools. • give her a big t-shirt of yours to sleep in. • leave her cute text messages. • kiss her in front of your friends. • tell her she looks beautiful. • look into her eyes when you talk to her. • let her mess with your hair. • just walk around with her. • forgive her for her mistakes. • look at her like she's the only girl you see. • tickle her even when she says stop. • hold her hand when you're around your friends and in private. • let her fall asleep in your arms. • stay up all night with her when she's sick. • watch her favorite movie with her. • come up and grab her by the waist.
We were drawn from the weeds we were brave like soldiers dancing around under the pale moonlight ---our song
The good ones! i like horror films and a lot of comedy! We Are Marshall,... basically any football movie. They are the best!
I love to watch Sweet Sixteen, The Hills, Luaguna Beach, Dance Life, Lincoln Heights, South Park, Scrubs, MAD TV, Saturday Night Live, FUSE TV, Next, Wildboyz, Exposed, America's Next Top Model, Punk'd, Real Life,Stand Up Comedy, Family Guy... ETC
HATE reading because I stammer when i read.
My foster parents bc they took me in no question'z asked. They gave me food and put clothes on my back. They taught me the meaning of work, and the meaning of kindness! These two people are most definitely my hero's!