Bob Mendo profile picture

Bob Mendo

I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm also on Facebook, gmail, AOL, msn messenger... when will the end come?And, as for me, what makes a man? Events? Activities? I'll let you decide. But here's some photos (see flickr site below) and some data. Birthplace...Kansas City. Present location? Sydney Australia. Family? One set of parents who died in 2004/ 2005. One wife also from Kansas City, three kids, born in 1979, in 1983, and in 1990. All live in Australia.
Loves family, music, tennis, golf, Jesus, friends,..books... so much.
This is my name in Hebrew
Write in Hebrew with
Blogs can be tiresome, but maybe you will enjoy mine.
Click Blog
flickr site See my flickr site for family and ministry shots and more.
Bob's Facebook site I'm not sure which site will win out in the end. Facebook or MySpace.
Bob's old fashioned AOL website there's always my homepage to visit.
JFJ Oz here
so many little time. How about the Jews for Jesus Australia website?
name Brother
aliases Mendo
birthday 4 November, usually early in the morning
birthplace Menorah Hospital, in KC, MO
ethnicity Jewish from Polish, Russian and German stock
eye color Brown
hair color Brown, but graying, daily
height 6'1"
weight Before or after dinner?
body art God didn't exactly recommend that tattoo stuff
status Happily married
religion Jewish and follower of Jesus
school Been there, done that
year Long ago graduate
major Math education
I'm excited to see where everyone is from visually. So this map was loaded on 17 September 2006.
Click to zoom in on my visitor map! You can also make your own!Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other Jews who are keen to discover the truth about Jesus... brave, courageous ones.

My Blog

Blog in one spot

Hi folks,You should read the blogspot I usually write on I don't have to do this too many times. Fair enough?bob
Posted by on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 20:21:00 GMT

Farewell Steve Irwin and others

Farewells (Crikey, Steve Irwin, Peter Brock, Finals Footy)The world moans at the news of Steve Irwin's passing. He lived with energy and died with energy as a stingray lashed out in a freakish acciden...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:01:00 GMT

When will there be peace?

There will be peace in Israel when the Muslims will love their children more than they love to kill us.So said Golda Meir, originally from Milwaukee Wisconsin, and former prime minister of Israel.
Posted by on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 22:26:00 GMT

Math and Terrorists

NEW YORK -- A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide ru...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 18:17:00 GMT

Back together

It's so good to have my family back together. Anne was in the US for a few weeks. She spent time with grandparents and cousins, then worked with me on Operation: Behold Your God in NY. Then down to DC...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 00:39:00 GMT

Jews for Jesus in July

JEWS FOR JESUSMAKE AN ALL OUT EFFORTTO REACH NEW YORK JEWSAugust 5, 2006For the month of July, Jews for Jesus was an unavoidable presence in the greater New York area the final stop of the organizatio...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:27:00 GMT

Kansas Jews

Hey, I'm going to Kansas and Missouri this weekend for a couple weeks. I grew up in KC, and will hope to meet up with many other Jews of Kansas and Missouri. Preaching... 20 times in the 2 weeks. Mayb...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:43:00 GMT