The Grafix Tart profile picture

The Grafix Tart

I'm a legend in my own mind.

About Me

I love myself ... but in a non-egotistical way

I love that I'm alive and am healthy, have a 90% wonderful family and many beautiful and true friends I love that love me back and prove it every day

I hate problems, challenges and obstacles ... but I appreciate them because, without them, I'd learn nothing about becoming the person I want to be

Trials promote growth - intellectual, spiritual and emotional - if you let them

At least this is what I'm constantly reminding myself!

Art is my life ... I live it through dance, music and drawing (oh, and graphic design!)

I've been dancing since I was 5 years old in ballet

My favorite ballet-classmate was the only boy in my class, and he wore a Star Trek leotard, which I thought was very cool

(especially since all the girls had to wear pink leotards - no fair!)

I started teaching dance and gymnastics when I was 18

Now I teach fitness classes ... because the $$ is better and it forces me to stay in shape

I'm under contract with Nike, thanks to a good friend ... I've done two Nike "dance" promo videos

There's no way I'd consider myself exceptionally talented, famous, or beautiful, though

And I don't model - so don't ask. I just have a cousin who's a very talented photographer

I am a technogeek. Believe it. I have friends on this profile who will back me up on that!

I love toys ... both electronic, battery operated, Legos and Barbies.

I'm addicted to the smell of Pine-Sol - is that bad?

I don't think so, cuz it inspires me to clean like mad

I do have a very acute sense of smell

I hate smelling dinner throughout the house the next morning

I can't stand cigarettes, either

Barf makes me, well ... barf - so does doggie-doo

I can tolerate blood and guts well, though - I suppose the smell of metal doesn't bother me as much as all the above

In fact, I'm a huge closet horror fan

One of my best and most favorite clients to do design work for is my favorite horror author - Tamara Thorne

(I'd highly recommend her books if you want to be entertained and want a side of humor and kink with your gore)

I'm extremely spiritual and very religious ... although you don't hear me bragging about it much

I don't see anything wrong with knowing your scripture well ... it's history, and history has a tendency to repeat itself

I have E.S.P. If you don't believe me - just ask me what you're thinking right now ;)

I'm also a pretty good judge of character

I rarely meet someone I can't find at least one thing I adore about them

Every person gets one chance with me

(so don't blow yours - especially if it's toward the end of the month, it's likely to end in bloodshed ... haha)

I like to draw

I like to draw comics

I love to paint ... but mostly walls. I find it to be therapeutic.

I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. I very very rarely drink.

I don't have any tattooes.

I'm only pierced in two places (down from 8).

My favorite color is pink.

But I surround myself in tranquil neutrals and greens/blues because I need a peaceful retreat from my hectic life

I have a special affection for Asian decor and feng-shui. That's how I've just redecorated.

My house smells like eucalyptus and spearmint ... I smell like Calvin Klein Euphoria

Thai is my favorite type of food.

I have a shoe collection bordering along the lines of having a shoe fetish

I'm not generally romantic, but there has been one who's made me overly, sickeningly sappy and reduced me to baby-talk

I love q-tips. If you don't, please don't ask me why I do. ;)

I'm not big on jewelry - but I own a dozen pairs of sunglasses

I drink water like a fish ... I usually don't drink anything else but some form of water - sparkling, flavored, etc.

(do fish drink water?)

Speaking of fish, I also love to swim

I'm a vegetarian. And yes, chicken and seafood count as "meat"

I love dogs, and have 4 of them

But I'm not a liberal, nature-loving, tree-hugging, birkenstock-wearing liberal

I'm a "war-mongering" conservative who actually knows how to shoot a 12-gauge

I usually wake up with a headache and fall asleep with a headache

Probably because I fret too much about Hillary Clinton being the first, female, U.S. president


Can I just buy a small, tropical island now and relocate?

I always need a vaction.


(and more sleep, too ... so don't bug me too much, or I'm liable to get grouchy on yo' a$$)

If you love drama ...

I really don't.

If you don't belive me, ask any of my friends - it's hard enough just to get me to go see the latest, new, dumb chick-flick!

I'm very busy, but very laid back and easygoing

I work best under stress

But I don't like stress

I don't like headaches, either

Drama gives me both.

In fact, thinking too much and too hard gives me both.

So don't make me have to think. I'd appreciate it!


... I am seriously this cool. ;)
and yeah, sometimes this naughty, too!
oops, did I say that?!
yep ... I'm a gore whore. ;)

My Interests

The Drama Queen (I am not!)

I'd like to meet:

... you!


Things you'll wish you didn't know about me . . .

Do I snore? not that I know of, but I talk up a storm in my sleep! Am I a lover? ... or a fighter? a fighter, unfortunately. What is my worst fear? feeling trapped Was I a LEGO builder as a kid? nope, but I am now! What do I think of reality TV? I have enough drama in real life Do I chew on straws? no Was I a cute baby?

you decide!

Do I sing in the shower? only if I have music playing Do I have any secret talents? I clean house better than Mary Poppins. My ideal vacation spot . . . somewhere remote where there's sun, sand and a bottomless margarita glass. Have I eaten sushi? yes, and I still don't eat seafood. Which Fight Club character would you say you're most like?

Tyler Durden ... I am what I think I am. ;)

And what about that ozone problem? what about it? we'll get nuked by China before the hole in the ozone layer fries all of us! Can I sing the alphabet backwards? yep ... you should hear me sing the "AlphaBeetle" song I learned in 1st grade. ;) Have I ever been on an airplane? too many times to count now. Are Speedos hot? NOT How do I feel about hunting? someone's gonna have to know how to do it if we get nuked by China and there are actually survivors. Is marriage in my future? they say third time's a charm Do I like my handwriting? very much, only because I've practiced at it for years What am I allergic to? running When was the last time I said "I love you."? 2 hours ago Do I cry at weddings? yes, because I think it's sad that the wedding day is the most blissful one in a marriage. How do I like my eggs? without the yolks, scrambled, overcooked and with lots of pepper. Are blondes dumb? mostly - I don't think they can help it, though ... I think it's in their genes. ;) Where does the other sock end up? in Not Me's room Do I have a nickname? Brat Is McDonald's disgusting? ever seen Supersize Me ?? ick. When was the last time I was in a car? an hour ago Baths? ... or showers? long, super hot showers Is Santa Claus real? of course! if you don't believe in Santa, he doesn't bring you any gifts!! Am I afraid of the dark? definitely not What am I addicted to? Lofthouse sugar cookies with pink frosting and sprinkles Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? creamy, all the way. if it's crunchy, it wrecks your bread! Have I ever ridden in an ambulance? nope I've brushed my teeth ... 3 times today already ... and I'll still probably brush them 2 more! Is drug-free the way to be? depends on who you are and the circumstances Am I wearing socks? sorta Have I ever hitchiked? nope - picked a few up on the way to college back in the day, though My eyes are ... super duper dark brown The last time I cried was ... 4 days ago Do I like my life? yes, I wouldn't trade it for anything ... not even the shitty stuff Whose life is better? my 4 lb chihuahua, Poppy's Am I psychic? no, just extra intuitive Have I read Catcher in the Rye? who hasn't at least read the Cliff Notes? Do I play any instruments? piano ... and clarinet when I was in school Can I skateboard? nope, but I can snowboard. ironic? Do I like camping? love it! as long as there's a plug nearby. ;) Do I snort when I laugh? nope Do I believe in magic? magic? no. voodoo? yes! hehe Is dog a man's best friend? I have a dog for a best friend ... Do I believe in divorce? obviously. but it should be applied sparingly. Can I do the "moonwalk"? yes - scary, eh? Does my mom know I have a Myspace profile? yes The last thing I ate was ... Belgian chocolate pudding from Trader Joe's Do I wear nail polish? yes Do I like someone right now? * blush * What's the most annoying commercial? any involving minivans Do I shop at American Eagle? occasionally Favorite band at the moment ... Pink and Gwen Stefani

My Blog

Awww ... my cute little mommy!

I've been put in charge of scanning 1/4 of the family pics - a tedious task I have yet to fully start!  But I did come across this adorable pic of my little mommy and her mom on my parents' weddi...
Posted by The Grafix Tart on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:23:00 PST