adrian profile picture


stop wearing sweatshirts with graphics. its ugly

About Me

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My Interests

DANCE, good movies, really good movies, black and white photos, theater, genious music, COMEDY SPORTZ, tattoos (but i dont have one yet), fashion design, dreaming and then some.

I'd like to meet:

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jimmy eat world, jason mraz, bright eyes, the shins,the cure, Imogen Heap, Panic! at the disco, stephen lynch, gwen stefani,ted leo, the postal service, death cab for cutie, dashboard confessional, bright eyes, alkaline trio, john mayer, jack johnson, saves the day, the get up kids, weezer, the decemberists, the dresden dolls, the hush sound, fiona apple, j. timberlake, regina spektor, bjork, fergie, something coporate, and 80s music...and then theres the part of me that likes to dance so a little bit of hip hop


Amelie, The Chumscrubber, The dangerous lives of altar boys, Donnie Darko, Requiem For a Dream, A mighty wind, Best In Show, Waiting for Guffman, Billy Elliot, Mysterious Skin, Pretty Persuasion, Fight Club, Kill Bill vol.1 & 2, She's the Man, Hocus Pocus, Borat, Manic, Mean Girls, Wet Hot American Summer, The Baxter, Closer, Superbad, Juno, Stand by Me, Strangers with Candy, Dear Wendy,...more


mighty morphin'power rangers, the office, ugly betty, flight of the conchords, strangers with candy, SNL, project runway (older seasons), The Colbert Report, Will & Grace, Pushing Daisies, Ace of Cakes, Degrassi, Legends of the Hidden Temples, South Park, Family Guy, Sex in the City.....some of this is in moderation..


i'd rather netflix, but i wish i read. i have favorite books but they're fun books like "I Like You" by Amy Sedaris or "I AM America...(and so can you!)" by stephen colbert. you know. fun book with drawings and pictures.


michael cera?