Hello. My name's Mike, originally from the haven of concrete and roundabouts that is Harlow in Essex... I live in London and I've just completed my Illustration degree at the University of Westminster.
I am a cartoonist, comic strip artist and illustrator mainly.
Website: thisismikehall.com
Blog: thisismikehall.blogspot.com - for all news, updates and new work Mike Hall-related.
Oh, and I'm very good friends with the guys behind this delicious-looking page (reminds me of Smarties):
This new book, hot off the press, is a collection of 8 short stories inspired by songs, each with the common themes of love and living in London.
Cover image:
The book can be found on sale in the self-published sections of Gosh Comics ( www.goshlondon.com ) for £8 and Orbital Comics ( www.orbitalcomics.com ) for £6.
Alternatively, if you'd like to obtain a copy from me personally, then I'll accept a payment by PayPal or personal cheque for a special online price of £6 (exc. p&p). E-mail me via the link above or message me for more details.
Remember folks, this is a strictly limited edition run at the present time - so first come first served!
Some sneak preview pages from each story:
Bohemian Like You:
This Picture:
Baker Street:
Dedicated Follower of Fashion:
OTHER PROJECTS: "Cheapskates"
This is the regular cartoon strip created by myself and my old buddy John Kerwood who contributes story scripts. Based on the lives of 5 freshers year students in London, the comic can be read in monthly editions of the ULU "London Student" newspaper!
Official blog site of the comic: cheapskates.blogspot.com
Here's a sneak preview...
Recently completed artwork:
Illustration for Notion magazine, titled 'Freshers Fayre':
Samples characters from "An Illustrated Guide To Commonly-Sighted Urban Species" - inspired by the illustrations by Elliot Thorburn for the book "Devil's Dandruff":
Primrose Hill
Camden Girls
Rat Pack
More can be found on my website (see above) and in my MySpace photo albums.