Can you help us raise a Nifty Fifty?
We need 400 people to raise a mere £50 each so that we can raise a total of £20,000.
Don't just dig deep into your own wallet, do something fun - earn the money! You could do a sponsored walk or a sponosred silence. Try dying your hair pink or organise a quiz night. Think about it, it only takes five people you know to sponsor you £10 each and you will have made the money. Giving can be fun!
Be one of our 400!
After all it is only £50!
Our mission statement:
To provide a better quality of life for people with acquired brain injury, their families and carers.
A brain injury can happen to anyone at any time. Young people with their whole lives ahead of them are most at risk, the most common causes being road traffic accidents and assaults. Approximately 30,000 people in London are living with the long term effects of a brain injury with little or no support.
Headway East London runs the only brain injury specific centre, Headway House, in inner London. With a catchment area of 13 of 33 London Boroughs, it encompasses some of the poorest boroughs in the UK such as Hackney and Tower Hamlets. The Headway House acts as a hub where people can meet others in similar situations, where they are accepted and can be themselves. People come to regain lost skills, learn new ones and increase their confidence. A particular aim is to help people re-integrate as far as is possible back into society. It is a place where people are cognitively and socially stimulated. Activities include art, music, IT, discussion groups, memory exercises and outings. Skilled services include Music Therapy, Counselling, Yoga and Gym.
Help is out by coming to our charity gigs every last Thursday of the month.
You can buy tickets in advance by visiting:
Registered Charity no. 1083910
Myspace Backgrounds