It all started with group activities: hiking, barbecue, playing cards, dininge in their favourite restaurant. Whenever this group is gathered, laugh and happy faces can always be found No matter how rudely they tease each other, it always ends with laughing, and now they have decided to have their own record label.
Every moment they spend together, they go crazy and laugh their heads off. Furthermore they share the same passion towards music, and thus "Harbour Records" was established in year 2004.
The committee of "Harbour Records" is formed by five Hong Kong indie bands: 22Cats ,
False Alarm , JoyTrendySound ,
my little airport and Human Head Horse, plus one person who doesn't belong to any band.
"Harbour Records" represent freshness, humour, fun, sillyiness, and a spirit of independentce. While other indie record companies are yelling, "support local indie music" conservatively, we already step ahead and use our most crazy and silly way to say/present who we are.
We are just what we are, we are independent, and we pay everything from our own savings, prepared to lose them all. We don't care about being rich and famous. At this moment we just hope our Harbour's beauty could be continued.
One of Harbour Records' committee does work for the Hong Kong Victoria Harbour reclamation. In his heart, he is against ruining our Victoria Harbour, but for living there's no other choice than to keep on doing it. This applies to the rest of the committees. Probably we would like to quit our jobs and concentrate on our dream, use only music to express ourselves. In reality we cannot; thus we have keep working and making music on our free time and sing what we want to say.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !