Yes, of COURSE this is a recent photograph. Obviously. I am an empty nester who abuses Myspace to annoy my two kids since they seem to be online here all the time and don't have any spare time to check their emails from their dear old mom.I have two great kids and quite a few extras that other people had that I love and consider my own as well.My wonderful hubby Dave puts up with me and all my shenanigans, schemes and silliness. What a trouper and a kinder, nicer man you'll never meet.I'm a recovering Catholic with no definite plans to return. Unless I suddenly see my life flashing before my eyes and experience an immediate need to reconnect...just in case. With Armageddon seemingly just around the corner, I like to keep my options open. And I did make Jesus my 'friend'. Just in case he's the real one. He sounds like it and that's good enough for me.I really have nothing interesting to say about myself. This doesn't mean I am not interesting per se. I simply possess no interest in discussing how fabulous I want people to think I am. Those who know me already are acutely aware of my faults. And the fabulous speaks for itself.
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The Sandwich
My cousin, the Adrian Brody look alike.