sushi, fine dining, playing the guitar, sleeping in on a rainy day, sipping cocktails, shoe-shoppin and boppin (and all kinds of shopping), putting together hot outfits, treadmill slave and Bodypump addict, currently trying to master snowboarding (in Dubai of all places!), Sex and the City, fashion and trend-spotting, catching up with friends, reading US Weekly (my guilty pleasure although I am SO SICK of TomKat..enough already!! = () ice-cream tasting, dancing, surfing, overanalyzing sitauations (an expert), NFL, NBA, NCAA football (Go Longhorns!),Ricky Williams, Priest Holmes, Clinton Portis, David Carr, Kyle Boller, and TOM BRADY!
Long-lost friends...Matthew McConnaughey, George Clooney and Vivian Leigh
Tupac (still heart you!!), Dr. Dre, Biggie, Cent, R. Kelly (still does it for me), Outkast, Avant, Missy Elliott, 80s Madonna, Michelle Branch, Jessica Simpson, Asian Pop, Chicago, Portrait, Bee Gees, Erasure, Dixie Chicks, Simple Plan, John Mayer, Matchbox 20, Sade, Modest Mouse, Black-Eyed Peas, Guns 'N Roses...gosh I think I listen to everything!Cuteness/Adorableness OVERLOAD!!
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Memoirs of a Geisha, Amelie, Gone With the Wind, American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, The Butterfly Effect, Donnie Darko, Election, Casino, The Wood, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Daysmspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="
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Grey's Anatomy!!! I'm totally obsessed..( McDreamy....*sigh*), Sex and the City die-hard fo Life =), I'm a prime-time junkie..Desperate Housewives (the next best thing), The Simple Life
Eleven Minutes, Memoires of a Geisha, Trading Up, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Why Men Love Bitches, The Devil Wears Prada, Lipstick Jungle, The Truth About Diamonds, Norwegian Wood
..1 hero is my mommy (though she drives me crazy most of the time) ;)And my current obession..I love this chic. She is the shiznitz!..