Down to earth people, unique people, people who are into music, people who are into video games, people who play an instrument, losers, hippies, Kammie Lane Cooper, dorks, nerds, all other types of people, ninjas, wizards OR warlocks, big bulky octopus creatures (no more than 8 tentacles please), Santa, Wally Bear and the NO! Gang, Jimi Hendrix, someone who would love me even if my legs fell off and had to be replaced with ones made out of gram crackers, instead of normal prosthetic ones, and am forced to live my life walking the earth fighting crime as some sort of half man, half gram cracker (all delicious) superhero, Wilson the Vollyball, you, Maynard, Dracula, Bizzarro Ken (my evil twin), some sort of an arch nemesis to occasionally thwart my plans, Pokey, Your Mom... in bed....naked........with no clothes on, ummm, people who will read this profile and not be all like "what a moron!", Bob Marley, maybe some mythical beasts, a robot, Yanni, Stormy, someone who's nothing more than a torso, anyone who has been playmate of the year (or the month, or the day, i dont care), Mega Man, Gogo Yubari (rar), people who are actually still reading this, Aquabot, Buckethead, and One Eyed Pete..... yeah i guess thats it. anyone else is cool too.